Catastro Camana DWG Block for AutoCAD




Urban Cadastre Camana – Arequipa

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

urban, z.l., acequia arm, alley the middle, z.l., pp.jj, tupac amaru, San Jacinto, pp. jj. huarangal, low income alley, z.l., acequia the high, thermal power plant, walk, the carmen, stadium, sector uchumayo, the mountain, drainage easement, track the pampas, Panamerican’s highway, av. lime, av. mariscal castilla, uchumayo, urban zone, san jose track, avoidance route, I drained the calderona, district camana, fenced, z.l., zone, urban, access, zone, urban, zone, urban, z.l., irrigation ditch, z.l., aa.hh., habitat la pampa, irrigation canal high, access road mills, telegraph access road, drainage easement, drain, servitude, drain, servitude, drainage easement, pp. jj., beautiful view, access gauge, microwave, farm, district samuel shepherd, the Pampa, acequia the gamero, avoidance route, cemetery, from camana, zone, urban, extension, urban, stadium, walk, ministry, farming, the Pampa, irrigation ditch, arm, the mountain, populated center, the plasterer, san gregorio, district of nicolas de pierola, populated center bridge, district of jose maria quimper, rio camana, district of nicolas de pierola, servitude, bridge camana, z.l., servitude, irrigation ditch, Street, irrigation ditch, servitude, mountain, river defense, district boundary, huacapuy, Panamerican’s highway, servitude, Street, populated center, traditional, Saint Joseph, riverena shield, camana airport, p.p. j.j., ramiro priale, populated center, traditional, the thistle, z.l., sector, bocatoma, canal the arm, district of nicolas de, pierola, pampata, low, river defense, Ranch, windmill, pampata sector, high, district of nicolas de, pierola, river defense, servitude, irrigation ditch, walk, gauge, naspas, high sector, pampata, rio camana, district of nicolas de, pierola, nasas sector, servitude, walk, gauge, socso, river defense, pierola, district of nicolas de, irrigation ditch, servitude, river defense, characta sector, windmill, households, mountain, riparian, servitude, irrigation ditch, z.l, Hill, the sprig, servitude, irrigation ditch, river defense, sector, wink, district of nicolas de, pierola, district of nicolas de, pierola, sector, sonay, ravine, of the lungs, irrigation ditch, servitude, canal the arm, defenza riberena, district of nicolas de, pierola, san gregorio, trail pampata, district of nicolas de, pierola, z.l., canal the arm, sector, uruncuy, mount ribereno, sector, irrigation ditch, district of nicolas de, pierola, district of nicolas de, pierola, z.l, river defense, defending, hill lace, sector weddings, river defense, servitude, tunnel, z.l., deefensa riberena, servitude, gauge, abandoned irrigated canal, rio camana, district of nicolas de pierola, mountain, rio camana, district of nicolas de pirola, puccor sector, mountain, rio camana, sector pilistay, mountain, attachment socso, new Hope, coverage, arborea, shrub, arborea cover, shrub, River, walk, district boundary, provincial bound, district boundary, provincial bound, province castile, province camana, district of nicolas de pierola, sector, huamboy, province castile, district uraca, sector, stationary stick, rio majes, hill orcs, orcs, stationary stick, new, cause, River, district of nicolas de pierola, province camana, district of nicolas de pierola, Wall, populated center, the buoy, drain, drain, the jet beach, Panamerican’s highway, beach the tip, zone, urban, reservoir, hill peak fat, pumping booth, ground, property of, unsa association, Pacific Ocean, via d

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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Building Features Car Parking Lot
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    September 19, 2017

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