Catchment Slope DWG Block for AutoCAD




Catch slope i rural area

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

variable, variable, Max., Cosiness, Propose, Care, Deza, Ddc, Dsc, Sdc, Cosiness, Cm., Pvc output, Variable location, Given from, variable, Gutter protection, Print paper scale, departure, departure, cleaning, Overflow, plant, Esc., cut, Esc., cut, Cap met. Sanitary, waterproof jacket, Filler: concrete f’c, Stone set with mortar, Fc, Overflow cleaning, Mobile data, Stone set with mortar, variable, your B. Ventilation system, entry, Pvc sap perforated stopper, Overflow cone, Accessories box, Diam., Cant, accessory, Elbow pvc sap, Pvc basket, Overflow cleaning, departure, ventilation, Elbow pvc sap, Pressing with pure sika cement, Mortar sika, Waterproofing plaster with sika mortar, Max., Hillside pickup, agreement:, flat:, Indicated, Esc .:, Approve, Rev:, Dist:, Prov, Cajamarca, Apartment, sheet:, date:, hamlet:, Installation of rural potable water infrastructure, District municipality s, Training in operation maintenance of, Health education services of, flow regulator, regulation, Universal union, Flow regulator detail, Hole diameter, Daily maximum flow, Cd discharge coefficient, Water load, Cd in, Cm. East, Pvc plate with hole, Rubber packing, Universal joint with two gaskets, Of flow, sense, Pilot project to improve management, District sustainability in water sanitation, sustainable, Food security program, Usaid, recommendations, Higher flow rates require greater screen width, The pickup is efficient for max., Greater number of holes, Simple: f’c, Stuffing: f’c, Pipe fittings, Exterior cms., Interior cms., Spills, concrete, Technical specifications, Min covered with hepoxic paint, Metal carpentry, Fluids pressure., Peruvian technical standard iso para, Pvc accessories pipe must meet, Drainage pipe: pvc heavy salt, Mobile phone detail, your B. Pvc down, Cap h., With perf., Bell, Pvc, Esc., If the driving line is larger, others, Valve box will be proposed., The loading chamber shall be provided with a, Perimetral pavement of wide, Perimeter wire fencing, The camera, Seated stone, perimeter fence, Wire rope, Wood post max, Water inlet holes the wet chamber., The overflow level will always be below the, Will be below the natural outcrop level of the water., The water inlet holes the wet chamber, Cut burnt, Det. Cutting edge, Esc., In an area of ​​great vegetation. when it’s requested, The cutting edge will be considered when the pickup is, Clean the catch filter broke the inside part, gravel, gravel, Small stone, Of the Bruna., Pvc sap perforated stopper, Pvc sap outlet. from, Variable location, Given from, departure, cleaning, Overflow, plant, Esc., Stone set with mortar, entry, cut, Esc., Pressing with pure sika cement, Mortar sika, Waterproofing plaster with sika mortar, Esc., cut, Cm., Incoming water level, Fc, Accumulated water level, Esc., cut, departure, Incoming water level, Fc, Accumulated water level, Overflow cleaning, Mobile data, Stone set with mortar

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Wood, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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