Charter Geographical DWG Block for AutoCAD




Letter from the Military Geographic Institute of the population of Quillacollo – Cochabamba

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

quillacollo, bolivia, sheet iv, cemetery, soccer field, telegraph line, tel, cemetery, ford, court of, football, court of, football, tel, telegraph line, aqueduct, Guadeloupe Chapel, cemetery, stay, toncoma, stay, laphiani, stay, I love you, stay, train, totorani, stay, kkotana, kuachaca, cocaraya, rosary beads, stay, marquina, illataco, stay, Amiraya, stay, kapuraya, chuhuallani, stay laphiani, uchu uchu, jankho jakke, stay potrero, pestle, capillani, chacapaya, stay three crosses, stay, tuvu tuvuni, rumi corral, tuyu tuyuni, tarali, village village, beautiful view, view, beautiful, mayca, suticollo, paranish, stay kollpa, molle molle, ranch tie, stay falsuri, good view, ischia, tajra, paw paw, cartagena, Carmen, Ranch, willow, Chahuarani, viloma, villa montenegro, community, montecate, community, paya collo, community, quillacollo, vinto, sipe sipe, poo collo, step, cala trancani, cmdad, mallcu rancho, October, jahuintiri, tel, telegraph line, tel, telegraph line, tel, Water, generator station, school, chapel maria helper, agricultural simon patino, cemetery, anocarayre school, carmen chapel, ford, chapel, Santiago, school, exaltation, san isidro chapel, ironcollo, Chojnacollo, school, Adventist college, the chulla, children’s Home, mauricio hohchild, field of, sports, home, manaco shoe factory, August square, September square, station ralway, Plaza Bolivar, of government, industrial plant, milk, factory, of oil, san isidro chapel, neighborhood, miner, the nose, iquirollo, Wall, military division farm, cotapachi, school, matilde throws, chapel rosary, Chapel pains, school, chapel, kuachaca, thiomokho, conception, santa clara chapel, machacamarca school, school, san antonio chapel, mallcu chapi, ford, chapel, saint Louis, school cease the source, school, chapel, ford, caramarca, San Rafael, estate, san francisco de caramarca, Water, bomb of, pool, ford, panpajasi, carmen chapel, chapel, rosary beads, ford, mercedes chapel, state railways, pipeline, chapel, assumption, Hill, kairani, hill pajra pirhua mokho, Mount Misaki Yaki, hill pokhomani, hill huaraca, hill fan, Cerro Viscachani, hill chakhaitani, hill churuma, hill thikirani, cerro chiri mayu, Cerro Lari Huanuskha, hill llallahuarli, hill cakhena, jatun orkho hill, hill village village, Cerro Sacani, Cerro Inca Racaya, muyurina, hill pulls malliri, cerro yuraj yaco, hill payconi, hill alkhamari, hill kharaloma, hill yoqueloma, chaupiloma, hill chilizaya, hill khasa loma, cerro tutur vinto, atoj huachana, hill huayllajara, pucaloma hill, cerro yuraj khasa, Cerro Pichacani, cerro khumu huasi, hill cumbreloma, Cerro Condor Samana, hill chunahui, hill maneseria, hill pituljata, Cerro Tijraskha, Cerro Garrotillani, cerro khenwa khasa, hill khara apacheta, hill khakhani, hill pujio puncu, pantie, hill bull huanuna, hill beach, cerro launches pecan, hill jalsuri, potrero hill, Cerro Khenwani, hill rodeo, hill yana khakha, hill arromiri, hill cuchillani, saltopata loma, Cerro Viscachani, Cerro Yacusamaya, link junction point, hill chaupiloma, Cerro Jucumarini, Cerro Caramarca, hill chunahui, hill calvary, ron tower hill, Cerro Viscachani, hill puca huaca, hill ayramara, hill kharaloma, laguna pili runtu, broken choncono, what B

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Language Spanish
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Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot
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    September 24, 2017

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