Construction Details Multiple DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Construction details multiple

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

inter-axle ladder posts, between posts axes, systems, npt, entry, npt, entry, npt, capacity first floor box, npt, lightweight slab projection, training capacity training: people, npt, hall, npt, Main playground, npt, runner, hall, npt, runner, Attention, npt, recruitment of personnel, wait, sh disabled, sh knights, npt, sh ladies, npt, sh disabled, systems, npt, entry, npt, entry, npt, capacity first floor box, npt, lightweight slab projection, npt, Main playground, npt, runner, hall, npt, alfonso ugarte, runner, npt, recruitment of personnel, wait, sh knights, npt, pizarro, datacenter, hidrandina cell, electrical cabinets, generator floor base mm thick, to review: pm, stabilizer, npt, duct for mechanical ventilation, npt, of meetings, high transit laminate floor treasury, porcelain ladies, porcelain knights, porcelain, porcelain sales, high traffic laminate floor, legal, of evacuation, gci, address, high traffic laminate floor, solid steel tube, black iron tube, Stainless steel tube, black iron tube, Stainless steel tube, solid steel tube, black iron tube, solid steel tube, black iron tube, Stainless steel tube, black iron tube, ceiling, metallic, square, metal plate, metallic footprint, square, metal plate, metallic staircase base, of landing floor: m., First floor: m., Second floor: m., square, metallic footprint, concrete, rubber slippery mammoth, inter-axle ladder posts, Stainless steel tube, black iron tube, solid steel tube, Stainless steel tube, black iron tube, metal plate, metallic base ladder, String: metal plate, between posts axes, Stainless steel tube, solid steel tube, rubber anti-slip mammilar in all steps landing, black iron tube, solid steel tube, black iron tube, Stainless steel tube, ceiling, metallic, square, metal plate, of landing floor: m., Second floor: m., metallic, solid steel tube, black iron tube, Stainless steel tube, metallic, square, metal plate, metallic footprint, square, metal plate, metallic staircase base, of landing floor: m., First floor: m., of landing floor: m., Second floor: m., Stainless steel tube, solid steel tube, rubber anti-slip mammilar in all steps landing, black iron tube, of landing floor: m., Second floor: m., Stainless steel tube, solid steel tube, rubber anti-slip mammilar in all steps landing, black iron tube, of landing floor: m., Second floor: m., black iron tube, Stainless steel tube, solid steel tube, black iron tube, pizarro staircase, corner staircase, stairway ugarte, sh disabled, sh knights, npt, rectangular white aluminum, white aluminum, colorless laminate mm., rectangular white aluminum, white aluminum, circular column tube, colorless laminate mm., circular column tube, circular, D.E.P

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots

File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio
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