Decorative Columns DWG Block for AutoCAD




In area of ??construction is decorative columns

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

plan at, mr. nazir kadharoo, section, proposed column, mm chamfer, job, mm chamfer, i.s, i.a, checked by, date, drawn by, scale, plan at, elevation, plan at, title, mr. nazir kadharoo, client, column type, plan at, proposed column, job, section, notes, drawing no., drawing no., notes, e.j, i.s, mr. eshan, client, elevation, column type, title, scale, drawn by, date, checked by, mr. nazir kadharoo, client, job, proposed column, plan at, mm chamfer, drawing no., notes, scale, drawn by, date, checked by, i.a, i.s, title, column type, elevation, section, column type, title, elevation, job, client, proposed columns, plan, mm groove, mr. nazir kadharoo, mm groove, notes, drawing no., i.s, i.a, checked by, date, drawn by, scale, section, mm groove, column type, client, job, proposed columns, mr. eshan, elevation, plan at, title, notes, drawing no., i.s, e.j, checked by, date, drawn by, scale, section, title, mr. nazir kadharoo, proposed columns, job, client, mm col., elevation, plan, column type, scale, drawn by, date, checked by, i.a, i.s, drawing no., notes, section, column type, plan at, elevation, proposed column, client, title, mr. nazir kadharoo, job, section, i.s, i.a, notes, drawing no., date, scale, checked by, drawn by, column type, plan at, elevation, eshan, title, client, job, proposed column, section, drawing no., notes, scale, date, drawn by, checked by, e.j, i.s, proposed column, elevation, plan at, client, title, mr. nazir kadharoo, column type, job, proposed column, section, job, notes, drawing no., checked by, drawn by, date, scale, i.s, i.a, plan, elevation, client, i.a, i.s, mr. nazir kadharoo, title, scale, date, drawn by, checked by, column type, plan at, section, proposed column, job, client, drawing no., notes, job, proposed column, plan at, proposed column, proposed boundary wall columns, job, column, column type, drawing no., notes, i.a, i.s, scale, date, drawn by, checked by, mr. nazir kadharoo, client, title, column details, elevation, section, elevation, column type, checked by, drawn by, date, scale, title, i.s, i.a, notes, drawing no., diamond shape feature, job, plan at, proposed column, plan at, diamond shape feature, mr. nazir kadharoo, client, drawn by, checked by, scale, date, section, drawing no., notes, i.a, i.s, title, column type, job, mm groove, column, column type, job, plan at, elevation, title, column type, client, mr. nazir kadharoo, proposed column, section, drawing no., notes, i.a, i.s, scale, date, drawn by, checked by, proposed column, plan at, elevation, title, column type, client, mr. nazir kadharoo, job, section, drawing no., notes, i.a, i.s, scale, date, drawn by, checked by, section, elevation, checked by, drawn by, date, scale, i.s, i.a, column type, title, mr. nazir kadharoo, client, notes, drawing no., section, elevation, client, checked by, drawn by, date, scale, title, mr. nazir kadharoo, i.s, i.a, column type, notes, drawing no., section, job, proposed column, plan at, e.j, mr. eshan, checked by, date, drawn by, scale, title, column type, elevation, client, i.s, notes, drawing no., mr. eshan, title, plan at, elevation, proposed columns, job, client, column type, e.j, section, scale, drawn by, date, checked by, i.s, drawing no., notes

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
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Building Features
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