Detail Of Gates DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Detail of exterior metal railings, various types of grills for exterior doors based on metallic materials; utilization in public buildings.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

faith pipe, anchorages of faith, profile faith., mesh of coconut, of faith, soldier, faith., faith pipe, profile faith., mesh of coconut, profile faith., mesh of coconut, faith., faith pipe, profile faith., mesh of coconut, platinum faith, proy. lock, soldier filed, faith pipe, mesh of coconut, platinum top fe., faith., soldier filed, hinges of faith, profile faith., mesh of coconut, mesh of coconut, faith pipe, faith., profile faith., mesh of coconut, faith pipe, profile faith., mesh of coconut, faith pipe, floor, faith., hinges of faith, profile faith., mesh of coconut, faith pipe, profile faith., mesh of coconut, faith., faith pipe, anchorages of faith, of faith, soldier, hinges of faith, bar of faith, faith pipe, bar of faith, faith pipe, platinum faith, proy. lock, soldier filed, faith pipe, platinum top fe., bar of faith, faith pipe, platinum faith, proy. lock, soldier filed, faith pipe, platinum top fe., bar of faith, proy. lock, faith pipe, bar of faith, soldier filed, platinum faith, soldier filed, faith pipe, bar of faith, faith pipe, floor, bar of faith, anchorages of faith, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, faith hallows, faith pipe, platinum faith, proy. lock, soldier filed, faith pipe, platinum top fe., bar of faith, anchorages of faith, of faith, soldier, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, bar of faith, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, bar of faith, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, anchorages of faith, solid of faith, of faith, soldier, faith of min., faith pipe, faith of min., solid of faith, faith of min., solid of faith, anchorages of faith, solid of faith, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, faith hallows, platinum faith of min., faith pipe, anchorages of faith, of faith, soldier, soldier filed, metal sheet min., soldier filed, metal sheet min., faith pipe, filed, metalica fe min., filed, metalica fe min., filed, metalica fe min., filed, metalica fe min., platinum faith, with latch, anchorages of faith, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, faith hallows, metal sheet fe min., soldier filed, metal sheet fe min., soldier filed, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, solid bar faith, of faith, soldier, soldier filed, faith pipe, soldier, faith pipe, solid bar faith, soldier, metal plate fe min., soldier filed, metal plate fe min., soldier filed, metal plate fe min., soldier filed, metal plate fe min., faith pipe, solid bar faith, soldier, floor, platinum min., solid bar faith, platinum min., faith pipe, soldier filed, solid bar faith min., anchorages of faith, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, platinum faith, proy. with latch, soldier filed, platinum top fe., of tube embedded in wall, of faith, soldier, platinum faith min., anchorages of faith, soldier filed, faith pipe, anchorages of faith, matt steel iron bent, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, soldier filed, folded iron, faith pipe, soldier filed, matt steel iron bent, soldier filed, faith pipe, matt steel iron bent, soldier filed, faith pipe, matt steel iron bent, floor, soldier filed, faith pipe, matt steel iron bent, faith pipe, platinum faith, anclaej faith, soldier filed, faith pipe, anchorages of faith, matt steel iron bent, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, hinges faith, faith pipe, anchorages of faith, matt steel iron bent, of faith, soldier, faith pipe, top faith, minimum, minimum, minimum, generator group, elevation

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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