Developing A Velodromo DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

circulation, space of the school of commissioners, space of judges and referees, podium judge of arrival, podium central of the starter, supervision and control, ramp of access of athletes, supervicion and control, ramp of access of judges, track, wait, room meetings, computer department, transmission center, secretary, machine room, public relations, doping control, logistics, human resources, fundraising room, general director, technical director, nursing, fast food, to be of juces, to ward bodybuilding, entry, exit competitors, ticket office, archibo, women’s bathrooms, secretariat, administration, general management, general archibo, fas food, conference room, press equipment, sshh homrbres, sshh women, judges, reception, control personnel, maintenance room, deposit, fitness room, reception plaza, deposits, sshh boxes, giant screen for spectators, giant screen for boxes, central game area, ciarculacion, main entrance, entrance judges and arbritros, court b – b, coverage, architecture, national university pedro ruíz gallo, faculty of civil engineering, systems and architecture, professional school of architecture, subject :, chair :, student :, date: , scale :, lamina :, arq. ramirez vergara gustavo, design of a velodrome, lucano thin jorge luis, indicated, plant, second level, zotano, first level, cuts, elevation, third level, lucano elgado jorge luis, plot plan, main, cut a – a, maintenance fourth , court c – c, main elevation, rear elevation, third level, floor ceilings, basement floor, second level, projection of first level dies, boxes, grandstand, entry athletes, entrance judges, evacuation, rear, floors, general, density net, zoning, parameters, withdrawals, facade alignment, parking, building height, area and minimum front lot, compatible uses, total roofed area, table of areas, project, regulatory table, rnc, floors, total, building coefficient , free area, province, department, sheet:, date:, location map, plane:, scale:, location – location,: chiclayo,: lambayeque, project:, student, location:, district, nm, velodromo, area terr eno, olympic stadium, artistic gym, gym a, gym b, aquatic center, pan-american village, bus terminal athletes, press center, restaurants, tennis stadium, mz e, mz g, mz a, mz h, mz k, mz b, urb. santa, margarita, raul haya de la torre, p.j. victor extension, calle pregrino, avenida agustin vallejo zavala, calle el vicario, prolongation avenue francisco bolognesi, street juan maclean bedoya, street exequiel bravo lluncor, street luis heysen, street victor sanchez ruiz, street vaticano, pasaje santa catalina, street teofilo vera davila, calle el cardenal, street jose del carmen bracamonte, street lorenzo orrego vargas, street delights, street los rosales, the delights passage, karl weiss street, calle manuel samillan, street the port, igor passage, avenue university de lima, avoidance road, cieza de leon avenue, chinchaysuyo avenue extension, avenue collector, trade avenue, tupac amaru prolongation, pacasmayo street extension, santa rosa avenue, los nogales street, los pinos street, avenue the drain, avenida ramon castilla, avenida antiguo road to santa rosa, prolongation avenue pedro cieza de leon, prolongation avenue tupac amaru, street u. callao technique, street u. tecnique de trujillo, calle u. the mill, street u. catholic, passage u. cayetano heredia, san marcos university avenue, street u. pedro ruiz gallo, passage u. San Agustin, street u. federico villarreal, street u. of the cantuta, street u. san cristobal, passage u. n. of engineering, street u. of chiclayo, street u. san martin, passage u. from the Amazon, av. university of Lima, passage rosita, passage teresita, passage carlitos, urbanization the cedars, ex farm san jacinto place the delights, urbanization the villas of the sun, urbanization extension the high mill, urbanization the hill, urbanization the sanctuary, urbanization the purisima, urbanization las palmas, urbanization san hildebrando, progressive urbanization cerropon villa el salvador, urbanization extension cerropon, fundo cerropon, human settlement miguel grau seminar, urbanization concordia, urbanizacion las mercedes, urbanizacion la florida ii, urbanizacion los robles, urbanizacion. polifap ii, upis santa teresita, association pro-housing datiles, upis benjamin arbulu, urbanization avientel, urbanization la molina alta, fundo la esperanza, lotizacion cristo redeemer, district boundary, cultivation areas, chiclayo, rdm, exist in municipality, retirement municipal to the lot, to the limit of the property, sports complex, aligned, covered, location

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Parking
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