District Map Catastral Castilla DWG Block for AutoCAD




Useful to refer to the location or location of land in the district of Castilla; measures avenues batch

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

measurer, pbt, measurer, pbt, measurer, pbt, measurer, pbt, measurer, pbt, av. tacna, area perimeter ml, camal, a.h. virgin of peace, area, perimeter ml., technological Institute, perimetric limit, he carves, extension, a.h. Tacala, extension, a.h. Tacala, i proclaimed, provitional stake, Street, passage, green area, Street, passage, Street, brick fence, stake placed in field, gate, brick wall, siege wire fencing, stake placed in field, siege wire fencing, perimetric limit, green area, extension, a.h. Tacala, Street, av. the sunflowers, Street, passage, Street, passage, Street, passage, i proclaimed, popular, dinning room, communal, local, recreational area, green area, Street, recreational area, green area, Street, siege fencing, fencing wire fencing, path, open pit drain, home mat, adobe house, home mat, adobe house, home mat, adobe house, home mat, adobe house, siege fencing, fencing wire fencing, local communal adobe, municipal election, brick house, Street, adobe house, Street, terraced house, adobe house, brick wall, campus of the institute, adobe house, house mats, surround dry branches, m. light, livestock, new Horizon, a.h., Street, igl, igl, San Isidro, Street, av. independence, passage, avenue, Street, av. Civil Guard, av. merry christmas, Street, avenue, Street, passage, Street, avenue, AC. the walnuts, Street, AC. the acacias, av. Civil Guard, AC. the walnuts, AC. the tulips, AC. the ficus, AC. the cedars, AC. the tulips, AC. the ficus, AC. the oaks, AC. the ficus, AC. the tulips, Street, av. brown aliaga, AC. the acacias, av. brown aliaga, passage, Street, av. brown aliaga, AC. the walnuts, Street, AC. the ficus, AC. the tulips, AC. the walnuts, av. independence, AC. the walnuts, av. independence, AC. the ficus, Street, AC. the poncists, AC. the cedars, Street, av. panamericana norte, passage, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, av. panamericana norte, Street, Street, Street, av. andres avelino caceres, Street, Street, passage, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, shred, avenue, Street, Street, avenue, Street, shred, Street, Street, av. panamericana norte, Street, Street, av. Civil Guard, Street, Street, Street, passage, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, passage, Street, passage, Street, Street, AC. independence, Street, av. panamericana norte, passage, Street, av. panamericana norte, av. brown aliaga, av. panamericana norte, canal, Street, passage, Street, passage, Street, malecon west, passage, Street, AC. Cahuide, Street, passage, Street, irrigation canal tissues, Street, irrigation canal tissues, passage, Street, passage, irrigation canal tissues, Street, passage, Street, AC. senior walter moscoso career, AC. Greater Felix Tello Red, AC. investigation police, Street, AC. greater luis dulanto caroli, AC. senior martin cabrera caceres, AC. sgto. second walter rosales leon, Street, AC. greater alcides vigo hurtado, av. Civil Guard, AC. commander magno fernandez morano, Street, AC. investigation police, Street, av. Civil Guard, av. Luis Montero, av. Civil Guard, AC. yahuar huaca, shred, AC. crnel victor couple quintanilla, AC. greater alcides vigo hurtado, AC. sgto. second walter rosales leon, psje. tnte. daniel zevallos, AC. sgto. first sofia custodian mita, passage, AC. the

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 19, 2017

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