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District Map Cayetano Rubio, Queretaro, Mexico DWG Block for AutoCAD

Delegacion Cayetano Rubio, Municipality of Queretaro

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

transportation, electrical, substation, communications, Secretary of, t.a.t., is U, erl, arae, pepe, peum, pepe, pepe, declaration of protected natural area, ere, is U, is U, ere, ere, ect, eas, ere, is U, eas, ect, ere, ere, ejido botos., the hole., the purest., extension, the forest, Emiliano Zapata, knoll, pretty, Archives, wagons, woods, of the, aqueduct, knoll, golden section, pathe, farmhouse, millennium, East, view, beautiful, view, golden, buggy, balconies, of the, aqueduct, hills of, Park, the most, of the, marquis, the bell tower, Ranch, san antonio, Bots, balconies, we love, section iii, we love, section ii, groves, high, of the, marquis, forest, Ranch, new, station, April, Hercules, morelos, millennium, garden from, Hercules, nurseries, stony ground, I want to, of Dec., villas of, buggy, section, the little peñita, farmhouse, residential, set, Karina, from the river, fracc., lookout, doing the bell tower, bugambilias, center, station, East, Hercules, sn. Joseph, of the, pearls, west, Hercules, stage, marquis, of the, the most, stage, the most, of the, marquis, stage, marquis, of the, the most, colonial, residential, it’s pretty, golden section, knoll, Beautiful view, stony ground, set, millennium, ead, the labor, declaration of protected natural area, subject relocation, January, state location, municipal location, blond cayetano, north, flat, prevailing winds, water bodies, inter regional road, storm drain, rio queretaro, basic symbology, thematic symbology, short term, graphic scale, municipality of queretaro, blond cayetano, delegation, stages of development, airport, ejido limit, delegational limit, municipal boundary, primary regional road, secondary regional road, railroad track, terraced road, delegation, partial urban development plan, Cayetano blond delegation, secondary zoning, increase, medium term, long term, concertation of affectations due to road projects, rescue of properties with value, historical, road junction build, strategy, housing, applications, housing, housing, housing, housing, housing, rural housing, neighboring industry, commercial services, commercial, industrial, isolated industry, green area, ecological protection, multiple use ecological protection, peac, peum, ecological preservation, land use subject to relocation, airport restriction area, urban corridor, neighborhood center, arae, neighborhood center, urban structure, Destinations, urban equipment, roads, proposed primary road, proposed secondary road, vehicular passage, proposed vehicular passage, crosswalk, religious equipment, health equipment, sports equipment, recreation equipment, education equipment, erl, mortuary equipment, water limit, density limit, From the airport, existing housing, housing for growth, high voltage line, high school, conservation agriculture, ecological protection, pepe, special protection, typical area of, claim area, patrimonial, protected natural area limit, trunk urban transport terminal, failures, area subject declaration, infrastructure equipment, equipment urban services, is U, management equipment, ead, strategic pivot project, seminar park, b: ancient season of faith

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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CAD Drawings

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