Education Center DWG Block for AutoCAD




Education Center.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

architecture, npt:, proseño, superboard satin, acrylic blackboard, cut, school project mister of the, provincial municipality chota, scale, flat, approved, dib cad, design, reviewed, date, may, flat cuts, district province department: chota chota cajamarca, elevations, acrylic blackboard, observations, alfeizer, high, quantity, width, level box level, twist cedar, doors, windows, cedar, plywood, raw glass metal, raw glass metal, observations, alfeizer, high, quantity, width, level box level, twist cedar, doors, windows, raw glass metal, raw glass metal, cedar, raw glass metal, school project mister of the, provincial municipality chota, scale, flat, approved, dib cad, design, reviewed, date, may, first floor second floor plan, district province department: chota chota cajamarca, npt:, frontal longitudinal elevation, elevated tank, npt:, posterior longitudinal lift, elevated tank, school project mister of the, provincial municipality chota, scale, flat, approved, dib cad, design, reviewed, date, may, flat elevations, district province department: chota chota cajamarca, cuts, npt:, cut, npt:, ladies, H.H. H H., males, address, classroom, classroom, npt, classroom, npt, runner, npt, burnished polished cement floor, classroom, npt, classroom, npt, ceramic floor, classroom, npt, ceramic floor, balcony, npt, burnished polished cement floor, classroom, npt, hall, address, npt:, ladies, H.H. H H., males, white floor, npt:, white floor, npt:, ceramic floor, second floor, first floor

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Glass, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
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