Embankem Project In Subdivision DWG Full Project for AutoCAD
Embankemproject in subdivision – Details
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):
of permanent protection, street josé bonifácio, fillet of water, street piracicaba, street marshal, santana de parnaíba, barueri, bus stop, avenue marco, area of institutional use, area:, limit of the band non aedificandi, green area, owner, Birigui Street, permanent protection area, track non aedificandi federal law, permanent protection area, non-aedificandi track, federal law, alley, track non aedificandi federal law, areas, discrimination, remaining area, green areas leisure system, public use free spaces, urban institutional areas, Total lots lots:, plot area, road system, public areas, residential lots: lots area:, commercial lots: lots area:, avenue marco, benedito josé de almeida, Download fonts, property of, heirs of, maria inês, alley, mine, non-aedificandi track, domain domain range, area of the same, property of, Mario barros font, alley, maria inês, street maria fernanda, road of the pilgrims sp der, green area, green area, green area, area:, wall, wall, pipe, building threshold, building threshold, building threshold, building threshold, building threshold, limit of construct., limit of construct., see det., next to, marginal street, street carajas, area:, area: incorporated birigui street, farm total, pipe, street rancharia home, alley, pc pt, pc pt, pc pt, street birigui weekend, alley, Birigui Ini Street, pc pt, alley, pc pt, pc pt, pc pt, iepê ini street, iepê ini street, end road, iep street, pc pt, pc pt, iep street, street indaiatuba, Jurumirim street, ranch street, marginal street, st probing, subtitle:, landfill area, cutting area, landfill skirt boundary, cut edge limit
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Portuguese |
Drawing Type | Full Project |
Category | Misc Plans & Projects |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | assorted, autocad, details, DWG, full, Project, subdivision |