Field Sports DWG Plan for AutoCAD




Full Technical File contains: – Site plan – Plan of topography (box sections and earthwork) – Plano geometrization (measures for stroke and staking) – Plane architecture (plant, cut and elevations) – Plano purse (construction details) – Plano service (construction details) – Plane bleachers (construction details) – Plane furniture (construction details) – Detail plan of floors (construction details) – Detailed drawing of sports field (details constructive) – Flat modular games (construction details) – Plan of electrical installation (construction details) – Plane sanitary facilities (construction details)

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

picture of areas, ber., roadway, ver., road sections, note: the proposed road sections are according to urban enablement and topographic survey., education, sports, area, services, park, plaza, communal, ends, other, other purposes , asoc. de viv., jorge chavez, human, settlement, commerce, neighborhood park n, plaza, commercial, neighborhood k, mechanical equipment, mdcgal, green, reserved, sports area, green area, health, equipment, urban, sevicios, center communal, sports complex, school, enrique paillardelli, curator, communal, salable trade, housing commerce, recreation, public, salable, park of the child, multiples, salon uses, box, municipal, uses, terminal, institute superior, mormones, cei, municipality, district cgal, church, market santa rosa, oval av. culture, multipurpose, dining room, living room, other uses, ca. Luis Banchero Rossi, ca. bogota, ca. caramolle, ca. sucre, ca. venezuela, ca. amat, ca. The tunales, ca. jose faustino sanchez carrion, ca. Sixto Palaces, ca. the mill, ca. daniel alomias oaks, pje. Ecuador, ca. peru, pje. spring, pje. Rio Ocoña, pje.mochica, ca. hnos Hayar, ca. Mary and. moyano, ca. Maria Wiesse Sandoval, ca. macchu pichu, pje. manco capac, ca. sacsahuaman, ca. the reeds, ca. Luis Valcarcel, ca. brothers nalvarte, ca. Ricardo Pimentel, ca. francisco vidal, pje. the brooms, gral passage. narcissus campero, ca. jose caceres vernal, passage the inti, ca. the olive grove, pje. moquegua, ca. mateo pumacahua, ca. cristobal colon, av.marco jara schenone, ca. just marin, street oscar tellez p., av. the jurisconsults, ca. jose de la riva aguero, ca. Maria Wiesse from Sandoval, ca. pedro quina castañon, ca. c. wiesse portocarrero, ca. p. Muzzo Vasquez, ca. romulo cuneo vidal, ca. carlos auza maple., ca. carlos nalvarte zeballos, ca. pedro de ureta, passage tarapaca, pje. the inti, passage ayacucho, pje. the herons, pje the proceres, pje. the cairo, pje. Huamachuco, ca. San Francisco de Asis, ca. San Carlos, ca. Saint Benedict, ca. san miguel arcangel, pje. San Jose Worker, ca. Juan Pablo II, ca. the cypresses, pje. the lilianas, ca. San Isidro Labrador, ca. San Rafael, ca. San Andres, ca. San Lucas, ca. and. nuñez nuñez, ca. the pines, ca. the cedars, ca. newman legard, ca. the oaks, ca. the cinchona, ca. Gladiolus, ca. Honeysuckle, ca. The magnolias, ca. the iris, ca. the jasmine, ca. the fuchsias, ca. the margaritas, ca. The tulips, ca. Simon Bolivar, ca. Ricardo Palm, ca. alfonso ugarte, ca. ramon castilla, ca. Miguel Grau, ca. Francisco Bolognesi, ca. victor manrique, ca. San Martin, ca. independence, ca. Gerardo Arias copaja, ca. Adam Smit, ca. the progress, ca. cahuide, ca. Nardos, Calle Caplina, ca. the victory, ca. the viceroys, pje. the future, ca. the palm trees, ca. Enrique Guzman and Valle, ca. the eucalyptus, av. the historians, ca. Horacio Zora Carbajal, ca. meliton carbajal, ca. The diamonds, ca. sea ​​breezes, av. ignacio de castro, ca. cesar vallejo, ca. ciro alegria, av. Simon Bolivar, ca. the queñuales, ca. the rocks, ca. belen, ca. Luis Reyna, ca. Takana, ca. cesar faucheux ponce, ca. gral. Mariano Necochea, ca. sullana, ca. crnl. Manuel Tafur, ca. Abraham Valdelomar, ca. august b. leguia, ca. callao, ca. enrique villar, ca. the nisperos, ca. Francisco Garcia Calderon, Pje Bartolome Sisa, ca. manuel gonzales prada, pje. manuel matos, ca. rufin casca, ca. victor fajardo, ca. Agusto Tamayo, ca. jose sanchez, pje. the pallas, pje. Puerto Rico, ca. Jose Bernardo Alcedo, Martin Adan Street, CA. lastenia castanet grilles, ca. Juan Velasco Alvarado, ca. leoncio meadow, ca. tomasa condemayta, av. the molles, ca. punchauca, ca. The Pacific, ca. francisco tie, ca. felipe santiago salaverri, ca. Manuel Candamo, ca. jose galvez, pje. manuel silva, pje. juan moore, pje. nicolas ortiz, pje. Juan Calderon, pje. pedro silva, pje. roma, pje. Juan Velasco Alvarado, pje. Jesus Savior, ca. centenary of the vilcas, ca. marcelino varela, ca. Inca Garcilazo de la Vega, ca. Arnaldo Panizo, ca. maximum ticona, ca. the parihuanas, ca. the flower of amancaes, ca. Ladislao Espinar, ca. July Mac leon, ca. Luis Alberto Sanchez, ca. crnl. jose diaz, pje. tiwinza, ca. the terminal, ca. Martin Luther King, Av. tomas marsano, av. tomas marzano, ca. rimac, ca. lambayeque, ca. July Cesar Tello, ca. July c. tello, pje.ticalaco, pje. Cañete, pje. The Suri, ca. Martin Adan, Av. von humbolt, ca. jose ramon pizarro, av. the painters, ca. the musicians, av. the writers, av. the ash trees, ca. the elms, ca. the alders, ca. rufino albarracin, ca. The rooms, ca. the alamos, av. municipal, ca. federico basadre, ca. lizardo montero, ca. the geraniums, ca. Bartolome of the houses, ca. the orchids, ca. the chrysanthemums, ca. the lilies, pje. Rio Acre, ca. Gerardo Vargas, ca. the violets, av. raul porras barrenechea, ca. the willows, ca. the olive trees, ca. elias bodero, ca. federico villareal, ca. the molles, ca. huaral, ca. Pedro Paulet, ca. Maria Reich

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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