Fishery Plant DWG Block for AutoCAD
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
n.p.t., sum, Deposit, dressing rooms men, Sebastian, fish buckets: cm, Deposit, npt, hexagonal floor pavers, tempered glass, of thickness, connection accessory, stainless steel, connection accessory, stainless steel, proy steel plate, projection from, tempered glass, of thickness, metal profile, proy plate of, steel, proy plate of, tempered glass, of thickness, connection accessory, stainless steel, metal profile, plate of, of jebe, packaging, steel, detail, metal profile, steel plate, tiraph, wooden dowel, stainless steel, connection accessory, of thickness, tempered glass, of thickness, tempered glass, packaging, of jebe, steel plate, tarugo, detail, steel, proy plate of, metal profile, of thickness, tempered glass, projection from, stainless steel, connection accessory, tiraph, steel plate, profile, packaging, of jebe, stainless steel, of thickness, tempered glass, connection accessory, packaging, of jebe, plate of, profile, stainless steel, connection accessory, of thickness, tempered glass, metal, of wood, metal, steel, metal profile, steel plate, tiraph, wooden dowel, stainless steel, connection accessory, of thickness, tempered glass, of thickness, tempered glass, packaging, of jebe, steel plate, detail, connection accessory, stainless steel, tempered glass, of thickness, steel, proy plate of, of thickness, tempered glass, packaging, of jebe, plate of, metal, stainless steel, connection accessory, steel, profile, steel, washed, flaked, headless evicted, washed, peeled fillet, QA, packing, vacuum sealed, heavy sealed, packaging, laboratory, Reception of Raw Material, refrigerator, finished product, Office of Human Resources, machine room, ss.hh, fish buckets: cm, fish buckets: cm, capacity, refrigerator, dress man, dress women, fish buckets: cm, fish buckets: cm, fish buckets: cm, fish buckets: cm, fish buckets: cm, fish buckets: cm, garbage room, cuvettes: cm, office, Payments, orders, ramp, topico, curtain wall, display, refrigerator, cut, elevation, entry control, plant manager, fish buckets: cm, garbage room, dressing rooms men, control, ramp, fish buckets: cm, outside treatment, n.p.t., refrigerator, cut, n.p.t., indoor elevation fp, npt, river stone floor, npt, river stone floor, npt, floor concrete pavers, npt, hexagonal floor pavers, shipment, unwinding, npt, porcelain tile floor, boarding platform, npt, einoxic floor lolor lead, industrial ship, npt, ceramic floor of, cement floor, entry control, npt, machinbrada wooden floor, npt, river stone floor, npt, floor concrete pavers, npt, floor concrete pavers, npt, porcelain tile floor, npt, porcelain tile floor, platform, beam, pillar, plant, elevation, constructivo detail, pillar, elevation, constructivo detail, elevation, plant, cut, short, npt, platform level, npt, ceramic floor of, metal profile, steel plate, tiraph, wooden dowel, stainless steel, connection accessory, of thickness, tempered glass, of thickets
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Misc Plans & Projects |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Concrete, Glass, Steel, Wood |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Deck / Patio |
Tags | assorted, autocad, block, DWG, fish, machines, manufacturing, plant, process |