Hatch – Hatch Description DWG Block for AutoCAD




Hatch / description hatch door window of predetermined scale trees bathrooms

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

aecconc, aecinsul, aggregat, aecline, aecnet, anchorlk, arabesq, arabtile, asbestos, asphalt, backgnd, basketwv, blocwall, batt, block, board, bloons, boardw, bourgogn, boardwn, boxes, chainlnk, chkdl, circ, chkds, circles, clouds, crssbd_s, crssbd_l, clusthb, c-madera, bricks, buttedhb, csilk, ctysqrn, ctysqst, cutstone, cyl, cyramic, dblhlnst, decotile, delta, diamonds, dstar, diaplate, diatread, dijon, eggcrate, eight, ellpaver, endcedar, endgrain, endshake, engine, english, escher, exm, expand, fancybrc, fbbrickc, fbbricks, fill, finetta, five, flemish, flemishx, flgstone, flortile, forro, four, garden, glasbloc, glb, gndcover, gravel, grecodek, greek, griddot, grout, grtstone, hardwood, hexperf, hlnbsk, hlnher, hlnist, hlnparq, hlnrn, hlnst, hvyshake, ibrickl, ibrickr, ice, lam, lat, lath, lava, secgrill, sand, riprap, rattan, phantsqr, semi-log, seven, shadeblk, sbbrickc, sbbricks, scratch, scrnbloc, rock, rbbrickc, rbbricks, redbrick, rigid, rocks, rslate, rubble, rigidins, pipe, plastic, plywood, rain, raindrop, randtile, panel, msblocks, mercedes, parquet, pavingbr, pax, pdcirc, mstar, mudstone, nine, octa-dot, octagon, octasqr, one, moby, moncello, mosaic, mrblockc, mrblocks, msblockc, madeira, log, logend, log-log, marmore, mblockc, mblocks, medbrick, melbury, waffle, water, weave, turf, turfstne, two, uniparq, uniher, unidecor, unirn, vbricks, tridots, texture, textured, three, thread, thermal, treadplt, stipple, stonsand, stones, stroids, superdcr, t-storm, telhado, steel, sqshngle, square, stagger, s-tile, snow, soil, spanish, sqdots, six, skirting, slate, sqrperf, slotperf, wicker, widecros, windmill, wiremesh, woodface, zero, pietra, tronco, carbon, ell, rooftile, stone, autor: rudy shernell albarracín machicado

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Glass, Plastic, Steel, Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio
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