Health Filter / Filter / Health DWG Block for AutoCAD




Health Filter

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Anaerobic filter, Bolivian republic, of the, code:, Scale: indicated, Plan n., reviewed:, date:, designer:, cartoonist:, Upward flow, Anaerobic filter, Bolivian republic, of the, code:, Scale: indicated, Plan n., reviewed:, date:, designer:, cartoonist:, Upward flow, General scheme of the installation of the filters, unscaled, cut, Esc, Detail slab of hua, Esc, cut, Esc, cut, Esc, Spillway detail, Esc, Floor level, Esc, Cut bottom slab, Esc, Cut bottom slab, Floor level entrance level view, Esc, Cut slab, Esc, Cut slab, Esc, View walls, Esc, Cut walls, Esc, Cut walls, Esc, Income detail, Esc, Cut walls, Esc, scheme, Pos., Iron sheet, Lengths, do not., bars, Weight t., total, partial, Dist., total of, Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., scheme, Pos., Iron sheet, Lengths, do not., bars, Weight t., total, partial, Dist., Income detail, Esc, Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Pos., Bottom slab, description, metric calculations, Cant, Unid., Ref., code, Materials sheet, cement, sand, gravel, Apple, Cant, Unid., description, Ref., code, excavation, Walls, Plaster, Stone flouncing, Mooring wire, Building timber, Nails, Pvc pipe, Kg., Kg., Kg., Simple concrete, Input devices, output devices, Adobito brick, Pza, Pvc pipe, Material draining stone pebble, filter, Input device, Output device, Technical design conditions, characteristic, value, Bearing capacity of soil, Service overload, Concrete resistance, Steel resistance ah, Dosing hua, covering, Technical design conditions, characteristic, value, Bearing capacity of soil, Service overload, Concrete resistance, Steel resistance ah, Dosing hua, covering, Detail slab of hua, Esc, Top floor plan view, Esc, see, Flow separator chamber, Anaerobic filter, Bolivian republic, of the, code:, Scale: indicated, Plan n., reviewed:, date:, designer:, cartoonist:, Upward flow, Anaerobic filter, Bolivian republic, of the, code:, Scale: indicated, Plan n., reviewed:, date:, designer:, cartoonist:, Upward flow

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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