Holy River Basin – North Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD




Map showing the entire basin of Rio stuff – Contours – rivers

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

q. from coyhuamarca, santa, hda. san dionicio, hda real tambo, santa river, hda. guadalupito, the barbecue, hda. rinconada, hda wine, qda. new, qda. yerba good, q. the huaca, q. round stick, q. of pantheon, q. sunny, q. calluamarca, q. estabon, q. collon, q. Cajon del Muerto, q. it takes away sleep, q. of the laurel, q. san antonio, q. mullipuquio, q. palubal, q. higueron, q. lucma, q. silence, chuquicara station, q. of the algarobitos, rio tablachaca, q. the alleys, q. from the purple row, q. rangra, q. from the paltite, q. the shorts, q. large quillubal, q. guayabilla, q. quichipara, q. pampa colorado, q. patiball, q. chugucall, q. colpa, q. cuar, q. the carbon, q. chuquicarita, q. marin, q. muryuga, q. honda, q. big stick, q. chorobal, q. ishcap, q. callpuy, rio churubal, dry river, q. the bar, q. Sogouara, Rio Huaychaca, q. amasura, q. caypanda, q. vira lira, q. suyarida, q. caupanda, q. lagoon, q. huaccha, q. san lion, q. sanangañan, rio huaron, q. huaychaca, q. calloche, q. higal, q. sausal, q. coypin, q. caumayda, q. lambullo, rio canrre, santiago de, chuco, q. maicon, q. chiuatas, lag. samogoche, lag. black, q. huacamarcanga, q. contorcha, q. pillar, q. cambuchica, q. box, lag. little one, lag. from los angeles, lag. verac, lag. of the taco, lag. millis, q. ruqui, q. huarhuash, q. huancup, q. large paddock, q. pacca, q. mupa cross, lag. lluncanu, lag. recuay, huaylas, lag. huinco, lag. huamanripa, lag. cancahua high, lag. cancahua baja, q. cancahua, q. saccha, tambo, q. want, q. huiscur, lag. huiscur, lag. cuyor, lag. want, lag. huansa, lag. baliacocha, q. namap, q. onco, q. singing, q. llactarayan, q. catayoc, q. nancay, q. lauri, q. san juan, q. three crosses, q. huaco pampa, q. Paw patara, q. mineral water, q. white water, q. pampa wheat, rio tambo, yungaypampa, q. coccha, q. pate, q. shunya, q. bronze, q. miller, san pedro, q. secse, q. father runu, macote, q. miracle, q. tingo, q. marcapampa, q. huancas, lag. quihuay, q. miracle, yuramarca, q. coronguillo, q. stick, three crosses, river mani, q. pucapampa, q. callpa, q. shilla tasting, q. the plaster, q. salt water, q. huampish, the pampa, q. condoracra, q. bold, river blanket, black river, q. shuts, q. yupan, q. cotush, rio chunyay, q. bad step, q. yanaquesque, q. diablo pampa, q. amapamqui, q. carapcaca, q. pillipampa, chuspirario river, q. paltaquish, q. yum yum, q. cantaypacna, q. huaminaypucru, rio corongo, corongo, q. allicaro, q. Querobamba, q. llucamarca, q. ogongas, q. mamapeta, q. aguamargaso, santa rosa, llapo, q. mulatto child, q. llaullogon, rio saquipaso, q. huamillian, q. cauchaca, q. chaymas, lag. ico, lags. huinciscocha boy, lag. huinciscocha grande, quilloron river, aco, q. uconorok, lag. ñunuyo, q. guajata, q. taripampa, q. of the shot, q. jarhuaguron, q. pelko, lag. dry, q. pachachaca, lag. pokoc, lag. saddlebags, lag. tuctubamba boy, tauca, lag. white waters, river ashas, ​​q. san francisco, q. cutupauta, q.cahuac, q. wet, q. the judge, q. three streams, q. pacay, q. cuñuñuma, q. parga, q. huamaliara, lag. tuctubamba, lag. pawd, lag. shashuma, lag. pilicocha, lag. big hut, lag. part, lag. small garden, lag. oops, lag. speedboat, lag. emperolada, lag. island, lag. quinoa, lag. cobracocha, q. quinual, river rangra, q. copchoball, q. vizcachas, q. chucuuara, q. the mount, rio llactabamba, rio de cabana, cabana, rio llacrabamba, q. quirulloque, q. from the pu, q. trenches, river mouth of cabana, q. shulcuvara, q. huguerill, bolognesi, q. huandococha, q. chahuismal, rio pusac cocha, lag. whites, lag. pelochuco, lags. pusac cocha, lag. conusco, lag. huachum, lag. last take, lags. pariacocha, lag. artegon, lag. machu pusac cocha, q. quitatoma, rio huandococha, q. urucocham, q. paccha, huandoval, q. chuido, rio huandoval, rio cunay monte, q. shacte, q. lolas, rio santiago, sacaycocha river, huacaschuque, q. change, q. pancakes, lag. teganga, rio huarascape, lag. colachate, lag. paccha, lag. mishcocha, lag. huamanyo, lag. small boy, lag. huamay, q. mill, lag. rocaynac, q. tarahuacta, q. lacabamba, lacabamba, q. uningatoma, lag. chaupicocha, lag. thief, lag green water, q. ugaba, q. shiacshia, q. chaguarami, pallasca, q. hucangay, rio coptas, q. pasachique, q. carhuachique, q. parallocuta, q. pichun, q. hucancay, q. chuyamey, q. acongone, q. dry stick, river conchucos, q. big jet, pampa, q. stone bridge, q. bridge honda, q. pelagatos, puyalli, rio pampas, mollepata, mollebamba, rio angasmarca, q. lamur, q. honda, q. huacancaldo, q. flint, q. cushipe, q. chuchongo, q. the pampa, q. latacalle, rio piscochaca, tulpo, lag. huamanto, rio andamarca, rio plata, rio sarin, q. huayoy, q. of the car, q. huayacolca, lag. casingcope, lag. huachenga, lag. the bar, lag. daughter, q. llandas, lag. mullo, river san francisco, q. pasture, q. sacalla, hda angasmarca, q. huadera, q. cantogolga, q. yellow leg, santa cruz, cachicaon, q. tambillo, q. they sanctify, q. cotay, q. cochauara, q. licumal, q. the dead, lag. antonio, q. hard-fought, river c

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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