Hotel, Jujuy, Argentina DWG Block for AutoCAD

Hotel in San Salvador de Jujuy.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

approval, sealing, zoning, district, zone, registration, circums, secc., manz. parc., manifest that the approval of the plans does not imply the habilitation of the premises., project :, technical direction :, calculation of structure :, flat number, surface computation, carmen beatriz del valle humeres and paula barros, street: robert owen, surface of the land., covered surface ground floor :, free surface, background :, locality: dr. Manuel Belgrano – Depto San Salvador de Jujuy – Prov. jujuy, neighborhood: the balcony.- high feeder, south, owner :, covered area, top floor:, construction plan, property of :, surface to be built cantilever :, hall, porch, garage, vehicular and pedestrian entrance, lm, lcv , reception, dining room, women’s bathroom, men’s bathroom, bar, kitchen, waiters, ramp, air and light patio, accessible terrace, empty, bedroom en suite, bathroom, bedroom, management, living – dining room, em, toil ., inner courtyard, storage, circulation, tempered smoked glass, exposed stone: joint taken, metallic carpentry, plaster common to lime: finished to felt, cv, ventilation hot water tank, references :, wall to be built:

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Glass, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Garage
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