Hotel Resort DWG Block for AutoCAD

Hotel Resort

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

to be, h. simple, chem, tangent, for, gas, and cover are optional, tangent, are optional, to be, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, s.h., double room, terrace, management, sum, spa sauna, deposits, lanaderia, camping area, bungalows, Zone of, suites, hab. double, esc, n.m., parking lot, administration, single rooms, double rooms, sheet:, date:, theme:, first name:, scale:, planimetry set beach mecca ite, sheet:, joint proposal, F. of meat, of fish, dinning room, ladies, F. of dairy products, vegetables, plunges, self service, changing rooms, males, changing rooms, served, bar, males, hall imgreso, expansion, Beach, ladies, yard, dinning room, of. Chef, expansion, square, salads, prep. meats, prep. birds, prep. fish, desserts, D.E.P., cleaning, wash dishes, ladies, changing rooms, ladies, picnic, services of, gas, n.p.t, aqua bar, n.p.t, esc, drinks, desserts, esc, males, changing rooms, D.E.P., cleaning

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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CAD Drawings

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