Housing Construction Details DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Construction details – Shoe isolated – losacero.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

var. with, stirrups, castle detail., sursum, versus, ipr beam, galvanized steel pendant, fabric yesera with moored with galvanized wire, loading channel each cm channel for distribution of each cm, concrete, Ip beam, mortar, clay tile, cold waterproofing, grout, chamfer, the cm steel, roof parapet, cm cm ceiling, Main tee, tee connector, perimeter angle, plant ceiling detail, steel column ipr, cm castle, cm block wall, round smooth rod cm, union detail, mallalac, concrete, The steel section, beam, The steel section, concrete, connectors: mm bolts of diameter mm in length with head, detail of the steel, electrowelded the column, ipr beam, ipr column, detail of union of column with beam, lasacero beam union detail, both senses., vars, concrete, Detail of insulated isolated footing type, concrete, Detail of insulated isolated footing type, vars, both senses., concrete template, vars, dice, vars, cms., vars, cms., vars, both senses., vars cms., both senses., cms., vars, vars, insulated shoe detail type, concrete, concrete template, both senses., vars, concrete template, vars, cms., vars, dice, vars, cms., vars, both senses., vars, cms., vars, cms., vars, dice, stirrups, detail of dala, var. with, Detail of the enclosure., concrete, stirrups, var. with, concrete, false ceiling detail, galvanized steel pendant, fabric yesera with moored with galvanized wire, loading channel each cm channel for distribution of each cm, concrete, Ip beam, mortar, clay tile, cold waterproofing, grout, chamfer, the cm steel, roof parapet, Museum, adviser, matter, two, symbology, June, meters, boundary:, scale:, student, name sheet, date:, orientation:, constructive details, Location:, key:, semester:

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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