Housing Two Plants And Commercial Stores DWG Block for AutoCAD

Departments of housing and commercial stores. Architectonic distribution; foundation Electric and sanitary planes.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

scale, variable, strut, mesh, column, asy, asx, columns on top floor, columns on ground floor, braces, sheet of foundations plinths, plinths, kind, asy, asx, mesh, foundation, terrace columns, local, garage, low level, first floor high, bedroom, kitchen, master bedroom, bedroom, master bedroom, study, kitchen, dining room, to be, dressing room, bedroom, lavender, Pub, terrace, pvc, tank, pvc, implantation, north:, south:, East:, West:, boundaries measurements, of August, public street, foundation location, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, housing structure survey, deck beams, foundation location, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, housing structure survey, architectural design, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, low level, architectural design, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, high floor, architectural, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, terrace, architectural, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, implantation, armed with high slab, structural, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, housing structure survey, cuts type of slab, lightened drawers, beams, mesh, asy, beams sense, beams sense, beams sense, nerves, variable, nerves, local, garage, low level, first floor high, bedroom, kitchen, master bedroom, bedroom, master bedroom, study, kitchen, dining room, to be, dressing room, bedroom, lavender, Pub, terrace, sanitary design, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, low level, sanitary design, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, high floor, sanitary design, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, terrace, local, garage, low level, first floor high, bedroom, kitchen, master bedroom, bedroom, master bedroom, study, kitchen, dining room, to be, dressing room, bedroom, lavender, Pub, terrace, electric design, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, low level, electric design, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, high floor, electric design, owner:, living place, date:, scale:, sheet:, work:, content:, jun, indicated, terrace

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Garage, Deck / Patio
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