Interior Furniture Blocks DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

transfer report :, drawing :, files :, original drawing :, the following files have been excluded from the transfer :, acad.fmp, notes for distribution :, the fontalt variable of autocad is defined as :, make sure that the variable Fontalt has been defined in this file or another equivalent before opening any drawing. all text styles in which missing fonts are automatically defined in this typeface., office material, jocs, instruments, cadres interiors, sofas interiors, basket – terence woodgate dune – maciganda, tamborets, pila – a. arribas, butaques interiors, alvar alto, lecorbusier, mies van der rohe, arne jacobsen, auditorium butaques, office butaques, conjunt interiors, cadres aules, workshop, vàris, zone d’accés, hall, zone d’espera, …, taules of menjador, of cuina, …, desatxos address and offices, zone d’ordinadors i taules de treball, living room, …, zone of treball, estudi, cafe, restaurant …, taules menjador, lliteres, …, group llits of the rooms, …, llums, …, salts exposicions, taules de treball, d’estudi, de reunió, de junta, …, arxius i bilbioteques, … , altres, gerrit t. rietveld, planxa, aules, sala d’actes, aules, grups, tallers, …, grouping of taules

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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