Junin Department DWG Block for AutoCAD




Plano Georeferenced Junin Department; It contains provinces; districts; rivers; etc.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

huancayo, carhuacallanga, chacapampa, chicche, chilca, chongos alto, chupuro, colca, cullhuas, the tambo, huacrapuquio, hualhuas, huancan, huasicancha, huayucachi, ingenio, pariahuanca, pilcomayo, pucara, quichuay, quilcas, san agustin, san jeronimo de tunan, sapallanga, sicaya, santo domingo de acobamba, viques, concepcion, aco, andamarca, chambara, cochas, comas, toledo heroines, manzanares, mariscal castilla, matahuasi, myth, nine of july, orcotuna, san jose de quero, santa rosa ocopa, chanchamayo, perene, pichanaqui, san luis de shuaro, san ramon, vitoc, jauja, acolla, apata, ataura, canchayllo, curicaca, the mantaro, huamali, huaripampa, orchards, janjaillo, julcan, llocllapampa, marco, masma, masma chicche, mills, monobamba, muqui, muquiyauyo, paca, paccha, pancan, parco, pomacancha, ricran, san lorenzo, san pedro de chunan, sausa, sincos, tunan mark, yauli, yauyos, junin, carhuamayo, ondores, ulcumayo, junin lake, satipo, coviriali, llaylla, mazamari, pampa beautiful, pangoa, rio negro, rio tambo, tarma, acobamba, huaricolca, huasahuasi, the union, palca, palcamayo, san pedro de cajas, tapo, oroya, chacapalpa, huay-huay, marcapomacocha, morococha, santa barbara de carhuacayan, santa rosa de sacco , suitucancha, chupaca, ahuac, low chongos, huachac, huamancaca chico, san juan de isco, san juan de jarpa, december 3, yanacancha, pasco, huancavelica, lima, ayacucho, cusco, ucayali

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
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