Ligrary Services Unit DWG Block for AutoCAD




Library Services Unit Uv Cordoba

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

ruins, bridge, ruins, north, F”, firm, construction direction maintenance u.v., Miguel a. ehrenzweig s., date, text, rev, concept, firm, arq gerardo a. moral berman, Executive Project:, arq frame a. Ramirez Mora, firm, u.v., arq enrique murillo p., firm, u.v project coordinator:, the topographic survey level in the curve will be the same as the project, the dimension dimensions should be verified fit in work where it is mentioned in the design. the coordinates between parentheses are approximate dimensions., notes, the dimensions govern on the scale, npt, if you, npt, npt, lobby, self-access, lobby, library, low level, videoconferences, lobby, access, talud, Continuing education classrooms, parking lot, top floor, administrative area, analysts, murete cms, npt, pend., talud, pend., substation, if you, lobby, access, talud, low, ramp, goes up, talud, low, tutorials, walker, kept lockers, low, cover projection, circulation module, cover projection, low, analysts, access, departure, access, departure, access, departure, cover projection, aisle, cleaning, pipeline, health men, health women, handicapped, cleaning, health women, pipeline, cellar, access, health men, axis of, axis of, low, ramp, low, top floor, axis of, npt, npt, access, proy of structure, coordinator, archive, Stationery, cellar, conversation, goes up, cabin, telecommunication, cellar, translation, main site of, control, goes up, registry, departure, ramp, platform, metal curtain, labor union, goes up, npt, cellar, guarded, health, technical processes, drawers, pend., npt, low, pend., pend., pend., access, departure, npt, pend., npt, pend., npt, walker, room one, videoconferences, room two, videoconferences, room three, walker, sidewalk, whereabouts, sidewalk, camellon, sidewalk, service road, avenue, polygonal shaft, npt, npt, npt, cubicle, cubicles, registry, tank, lts, npt, pend., npt

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Parking, Garden / Park
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