Lima Metropolitan DWG Block for AutoCAD




Lima Metropolitan

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

jicamarca, a-o, av.javier meadow east, boulevard groove, income plants, networks, sports field, hill quiroz, seremsa, nursery atarjea, av. separator, asoc. from viv the mercedes, linea ferrea enafer, urb. the meadows of sta. anita, sedapal, bocatoma, conduction furrow, the gardens of the whitewashed, asoc. de viv., bracale, ramiro priale highway, total area, rimac river, jr., water, urb. the calera, of the mercy, jorge chavez, the apple trees, a. h. las, urbanization, palm trees, san pedro, canto grande, manuel chamorro, orpesa, arg. ordonez, ing. r. vargas, av. walk the Castilian, the Alps, Santa Monica, San Federico, the Chasquis, Mochica, the magnolias, Rio Rimac, Cucarda, Trinitarias, Av. g de la vega, tiahuanaco, the collas, virrey la serna, av. san luis, pto. pizarro, m. castro, v. carp, arts, energy, ayala, maranon, domodossola, incahuasi, urb. the, manuel a. sure, ayar manco, the cypresses, the lilies, jr. chiquian, inca ripac, av. tupac amaru, h. of luque, magallanes, del, av. elmer faucett, fisherman, urb. libertad, santa rosa, urb. bata rimac, urb. city, urb. the stevedores, urb. la macarena, international airport, l. albujar, talambo, jose c. mariategui, mariano melgar, av. grau, the tip, malecon figueredo, malecon brown, av. bolognesi, tarapaca, tovar, luis larco, arrieta, cmdte., fanning, medina, saenz, pena, or c a a n o p a c i f i c o, barrio, fiscal, a. h. acapulco, daniel a. carrion, av. costanera, av guard chalaca, av. prolongation cemetery, villar, calderon, contramirante, bolognesi, rima rimac, or c a a n a p a c i f i c, fenced, callao, p.j., new port, unit vec., model, p.j, san martin, batons, or c a a n a p a c i f i c o, a. h., av. jose, av. Saenz pena, av. guadalupe, av. juan velasco alvarado, av. May 2, av. Miguel Grau, av. buenos aires, independence, plaza, grau, maritime terminal, rosa, santa, galvez, freedom, the sea, castilla, j. galvez, miller, necochea, salaverry, pachitea, manco capac, paita, putumayo, boli via, monte zuma, paraguay, constitucion, bolivar, mexico, daniel grandson, adolfo king, miguel grau, montevideo, monteagudo, german, siglich, colon, washington, pedro ruiz, peace soldan, real felipe, ecuador, park, puno, cusco, ayacucho, montezuma, atahualpa, ica, nicolas de, pierola, zepita, venezuela, antonio, miro, quesada, manuel, raygada, uruguay, garcia, huascar, mariategui, arequipa, cuzco, cocharne, saloom, sucre, guise, moquegua, railroad, carrillo, apurimac, loreto, ancash, marco, polo, municipal, olavide, gamarra, rock, chanchamayo, titicaca, ucayali, gamarrita, titcaca, states, united, j. fanning, magdalena, new street, home of, minors, garrison, navy, alvarez del villar, pachincha, alberto dried, p. ruiz gallo, colonial, marco polo, strong, san felipe, concepcion, sanchez, uzcaran, naval training center, garcia and, moore, palaces, tnte., d. ferre, e. aguirre, malecon wiese, gral. valley, zela, av. peace, av. from the pacific, av., av. January seven, av. the marina, av. venezuela, av. oscar r. benavides, av. santa rosa, av. Argentine Republic, av. the mall, avenidad nestor gambeta, av. cusco, av. canada, av. san juan macias, avenue elmer faucett, urb. industrial, la chalaca, pj. hostel, constanza, urb. san, bellavista, urb. popular, founded la chalaca, neighborhood unit, saanta marina north, santa marina south, p.j. alfredo, pp.jj. c. velasco, t. amaru, v. from fatima, a.p.v, stevedores, villegas, p.j. care, chalaca, p.j. n.g., gambetta, don bosco, unit, vigil, guard, a.h. san, judas tadeo, neighborhood, the pearl, urb. benjamin doig l., urb. the pearl, urb., high seas, the roses, from this. rosa, urb. the taboadita, urb. the pillars, san fernando, juan pablo ii, bella union, a.h., a. h. nestor gambetta, urb. chiclin, benjamin doig, city of the fisherman, paper city, san juan macias, urb. faucett, a. h. piedra liza, urb. the lilies, a. h. marginal, Juan Pablo II, a. h. the ayllu, francisco bolognesi, c a l l a, av. from the mall, av. morals duarez, av. ramon castilla, av. m. grau, av. Colonel Nestor Gambetta, Av. republic argentia, av. central, av. alfredo palacios, av. guard chalaca, lima, av. from the marina, av. jose, av. Callao, peace, peace, av. republic of panama, av. Argentina, av. Rear Admiral Mora, av. nestor gambeta, san agustin, av. nestor ganbetta, av. the issuer, av. beech of the tower, av. nestor gambetta, av. fertisa, av. centenary, industrial lotizaicon, chachapoyas, barranca, jose parodi, m. ugarte, mayer, bonnemaison, noguera, f.quiroz, duenas, the rubies, day, man, tees, sapphires, emeralds, manuel arispe, piura, tumbes, junin, sullana, tacna, huanuco, lambayeque, enrique meiggs, watchtower , san maritn, callao, callejon villegas, pje. el carmen, juan miller, miguel capurro, otto kiffer, oval, centenary, cemeteries, school, san antonio, zonal park, the topaz, cemetery, britanico, housing, zarumilla, of the heroes, v. fajardo, a. ugar

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Plastic, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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