Los Vilos Plane 2010 DWG Block for AutoCAD

Plane of number

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

games, the vilos, pje. the pelicans, pje. the frigates, railway line, headquarters, equipment, green area, pje. the plovers, pje. the correlimos, pje. the alcas, calle los pajaros niños, pje. the puffins, public school, chile, pje. tucapel, carabineros, castro gomez, loteo, pje. sta. elena, fishing, chilean sea, av costanera, land property fiscal, municipal, library, aquarium, essco, pergolas, reserve, owner, mz b, mz d, mz c, mz a, beach rocks., rest of the farm conchali, area, green, street extension puren, railway line, access to the town, the vilos, municipality, pier arturo prat, dock san pedro, caleta, san pedro, pje. of the valley, pje. the estuary, lieutenant dagoberto godoy, the petunias, the camellias, the clarines, the verbenas, the violets, the roses, capitan avalos, acequia, hospital, conchas, caleta las, av. freesia, anchor, plaza el, a. green, parochial school, sports complex, endesa, pedestrian path, pje. two, street two, street one, psje. one, lautaro, pje. three, corridor, q. honda, pje. colipi, pje. parral, pje.linares, reservation serviu, cauquenes street, municipal slaughterhouse, pje. lima, pje. santiago, pje. montevideo, former railroad strip, summer colony, land serviu, cooperative, san simon, santa rosa, pje. one, galvarino, pje. Antarctic, pje. bogota, pje. city ​​of mexico, pje. quito, street peace, pje. buenos aires, pje. caracas, pje. brasilia, pje. asuncion, pje. the caranca, avenue station, pje. the trile, the garumas, pje. the taguas, pje. the pidenes, pje. the yunke, the beach, the perdicillas, mz l, pje. the penguins, pje. the yecos, mz j, mz i, mz h, pje. the lile, mz g, mz f, mz e, pje. the fardelas, pje. the gannets, pje. the pirpineles, the cormorants, pje. the swallows, pje. the bandurrias, integra, open center, tilama, estuary matagorda, tajamar, orompello, plaza, psje. loble, psje. milelelmo, psje. longoval, psje. illangulien, pje. four, pje. five, pje. six, pje. jorge edwards, pje. manuel rojas, pje. Alejandra Matus, Arturo Prat Street, Pje. riquelme, pje. jose miguel carrera, pje. the seagulls, pje. the yekos, pje. the pikemen, pje. the albatrosses, pje. the pirpileres, san jose, the bandurrias, tucapel, corsair drake, arms, mzc, psje. quidora, psje. guale, cooperative investigation service, north forest park, f or r s s t a l s u r, lincoyan, jorquera mayor, caimans, condores, maquis, guanguali, quilimari, sancho escudero, sta. rose, ramadilla, carlos streeter, pichidangui, av. costanera, don, av. miramar, the lilenes, av. caupolican, villarroel, campusano, ignacio career pinto, punta de tabla, the pines, the quilos, the palquis, the molles, the beach, av. caupolican, guacolda, leucoton, av. station, av. the vilos, colipi, tegualda, pje. rucumilla, puren, rengo, talcahuano, colo-colo, arauco, church, elicura, michimalongo, liceo, nicolas federico, lohse vargas, state bank, captaincy, port, boarding school, bodegon, cultural, flat of the vilos, one, north, pje. F. coloane, pje. love of God, pje. usera and alarcon, headquarters, social, coquimbo, the clavelines, bio-bio, pje. Rio illapel, pje. river chalinga, pje. Rio Cuncumen, pje. river street – street, quijote, municipal equipment, pje. rio baker, pje. good river, pje. Rio laja, pje. rio loncomilla, pje. river rapel, pje. Rio Choapa, pje. river limari, pje. rio elqui, pje. Rio Loa, pje. salty river, future ground new school, ercilla, psje. the eucalyptus, psje. the willows, psje. the alamos, psje. the myrtles, psje. p. jose manuel salina, green area, street p. juan carlos rebolledo, psje. p. amador iglesias, psje. father candido, home laura vicuña, psje. regidor arsenio larrain, calle mayor jose manuel del rio, calle presidente pedro montt, psje. regidor gervasio montalvo, psje. regidor carlos vergara, calle rio totoral, cemetery, future costanera, line dunes new costanera, dunes, beach, services, tasui, huasos club, matagorda creek, interior road, old road to illapel, shell, esso, copec, quebrada la pinguera , to vilos, to santiago, to serena, new street, street tucapel, street two, street one, street race pinto, street the perdicillas, street galvarino, metal arch, playground, equipment area, drawing: ruben vargas vargas , tourist information, mz-e

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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