Map, Acora, Puno, Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD

Contains the names of streets and avenues

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

informal property registration body, property rights real estate, project to consolidate the, pcdpi, sub component cadastral, av. Pan American, av. yanaque, av. of May, av. the Incas, av. yanaque, av. Aymara, av. the kantutas, av. jose olaya, av. the kantutas, av. tupac catari, av. the kantutas, owned by third parties, av. the kantutas, av. titicaca, av. walk of the republic, av. jose olaya, av. titicaca, jr. lake breezes, pje of July, av. Pan American, jr. lake breezes, av. titicaca, av. Jorge chavez, av. The Andes, av. spring, av. youth, jr. the brooms, jr. technique, av. the Incas, av. Jorge chavez, jr. technique, av. jose olaya, pje Aymara, jr. technique, pje Aymara, av. Aymara, AC. gaspar apomayta, av. tupac catari, AC. gaspar apomayta, jr., av. jose olaya, av. Aymara, av. Jorge chavez, jr., av. jose olaya, av. Jorge chavez, av. spring, av. youth, jr., jr. the brooms, jr., av. spring, av. youth, av. Jorge chavez, av. Aymara, jr., av. tupac amaru, AC. Nameless, jr., av. Pan American, jr. turnahui, av. Enrique Encinas, av. tupac amaru, pje Nameless, jr. turnahui, av. Enrique Encinas, av. pallalla road, av. the Incas, av. proceres, av. Aymara, av. proceres, av. tupac catari, av. proceres, av. walk of the republic, jr. moquegua, av. independence, av. the Incas, av. proceres, av. jose olaya, av. independence, av. walk of the republic, av. tupac catari, av. September, av. yanaque, av. grade, av. of May, av. grade, av. of May, av. the Incas, av. grade, av. independence, av. grade, av. Aymara, av. independence, av. grade, jr. of July, av. yanaque, av. of May, av. Aymara, av. yanaque, av. the Incas, av. jose olaya, av. yanaque, owned by third parties, av. yanaque, av. titicaca, av. the Incas, av. titicaca, pje flowers, pje, av. the Incas, av. titicaca, pje, av. Aymara, jr. technique, av. jose olaya, av. Jorge chavez, jr., pje release, jr. of July, av. grade, av. titicaca, av. jose olaya, av. tupac catari, av. Aymara, av. tupac catari, av. of May, av. Pan American, jr. of July, district, province, project consolidation of property rights real estate, south, hemisphere, zone, datum, flat, scale, wgs, Elaborated, address, Department, cadastre, urban cadastral, acora district, h.u. Nameless, new horizante urb, victoria neighborhood, h.u. Nameless, new life neighborhood, San Pedro neighborhood, San Juan neighborhood, neighborhood miraflores, h.u. Nameless, neighborhood of september, neighborhood san martin, aymara blood neighborhood, h.u. Nameless, neighborhood of may, h.u. Nameless, jr. junin, jr. paccamaya, jr. fist, jr. lambayeque, jr. fist, jr. I like, jr. fist, jr. lime, jr. fist, jr. acora, jr. fist, jr. tacna, jr. fist, jr. paccamaya, prolong. jr. lime, av. Pan American, passage, prolong. jr. lime, av. Pan American, psje. the geraniums, psje. the sunflowers, prolong. jr. lime, psje. the pines, shred, prolong. jr. lime, av. Pan American, passage, shred, av. Pan American, prolong. jr. lime, jr. lime, jr. freedom, jr. lime, jr. paccamaya, jr. junin, jr. loreto, jr. freedom, jr. loreto, jr. I like, jr. lime, jr. loreto, shred, jr. loreto, jr. acora, jr. piura, jr. paccamaya, jr. moquegua, jr. junin, jr. piura, jr. freedom, jr. moqueg

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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