Map City Map SÃO CristÓVÃO DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

highway, John, drink, Water, allotment, garden, imperial, long eng., joel fonts costa, Street, beautiful, View, Street, low, Maria, Virginia, coconut tree, avenue, Paulo, barreto, meneses, forum judge, gilson gois soares, allotment, laurel rock, Street, Street, designed, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, designed, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, square of, Bible, square getúlio vargas, square are, francisco, allotment, are, francisco, John, of Kings, square, ferreira, square of, flag, square man, of steps, Street, deodorant, Fonseca, Leonardo, Adrian, victory, Street, prof, Pedro, meadow, trav., Carlos, meneses, of p. frank, trav., Joseph, meadow, Joseph, Street, frank, Street, Rosemary, slope, epaminonda, Street, October, Street, gal., I do not know, Street, santa, Cecilia, Street, elizio, carmel, sister, scholastic, Street, galdéncia, Street, vicente, love, Street, father, thomé, Street, ivo, meadow, Street, good, travel, avenue, Sun, Joseph, vicente, love, Street, beautiful, horizon, Street, erondino, meadow, Street, rosary, Street, prof, Joseph, to enlist, cardoso, avenue, Paulo, barreto, Street, progress, trav., September, Street, alfredo, pear tree, matos, Street, genipapist, Street, September, Street, village, new, trav., March, Street, March, Street, amintas, garcez, Street, jack, trav., municipal, erudite, meadow, grandson, Street, florian, peixoto, Street, erondino, meadow, son, Street, John, drink, Water, Street, slope, port, bank, Street, tobias, barreto, street ladeira, of joy, Street, Messiah, meadow, trav., Fernandes, Street, lion, magno, Street, are, bento, Street, slope, are, gonçalo, Street, slope, are, bento, Street, joy, Street, are, gonçalo, Street, Street, Street, ezique, alexandrine, Street, trav., field, avenue, Street, Street, Street, Street, high, hill, Street, Vitor, Street, Luiz, gon, avenue, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, Street, terminal of, integration, giene prefect, barreto, space, dep. Pedro, battle of gois, school, elizio, carmine, state, francisco museum, convent are, azile lar, isaias gileno, barreto, school of, Handle steps, of the. teles, municipal secretary, of social action, orphanage home, immaculate conception, church of the, rosary, lira cristovense, teacher joão, meadow batista, town hall, municipal, college are, christopher, oversight, municipal, transit transportation, n. church, of victory, Secretary, municipal, of Education, n. church, of carmo, trav., amparo, Street, pear tree, lopes, police station, municipal, police, historical museum, from sergipe, imperial factory, hospital, n. mr. of steps, marity, grade school, paulo sarazate, cultural, of sacred art, football field, allotment, grove of, flowers, new development, hope, Street, garden, Street, border, sea, Street, border, sea, Street, season, Street, are, roque, Street, high, good, View, Street, long, shanty town, Street, Carlos, lime, low, shanty town, low, shanty town, Street, frei, noberto, Street, season, Street, long, shanty town, long, shanty town, Street, season, Street, Wow, Mrs, source, Fonseca, deodorant, Street, thank you, cardoso, Street, feirinha, come, Street, Street, Street, October, Maria, muniz, Street, beautiful, View, Street, downloaded, Street, Maria, Virginia, Street, coqueirinho, avenue, Paulo, barreto, meneses, Street, campinho, trav., border, sea, season, railway, avenue, Sun, Joseph, Street, trancredo, snows, Street, w

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 16, 2017

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