Map Of Metropolitan Region Of Curitiba DWG Block for AutoCAD




Map – metropolitan region of Curitiba City – Parana – Brazil

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

geographic position, apa environmental preservation area, metro park of iguacu, r.m.c., state of Parana, projected railroad, international Airport, projected perimeter, designed transport hub, projected metropolitan road, industrial area, municipal boundary, designed dam, existing dam, existing contour, contour designed, transport hub, hydrography, urban area, subtitle, state highway, federal highway, municipal highway, existing railroad, dr. ulysses, Santa Catarina state, adrianópolis, state of são paulo, urban areas, southern treble, graphic scale, metropolitan region of curitiba, of the pine trees, from irai, dam, angry, They are Joseph, South Tijucas, Sao Mateus do Sul, Palm tree, ross, large field, little girl, catanduvas, southern, Lieutenant’s Field, black river, lapa, varzea river, black river, purse saw, of the purua, lapa municipality, rio iguacu, porto amazonas, municipality of, parrot river, Palm tree, municipality of, corner of, parrots, St. Louis, rio cambui, new ferry, green River, rio isabel alves, pianduva river, contention, araucaria, rio iguacu, river of cloudy, Guajuvira, country river, bugre, battles, big, mandiriuba, the varzea river, varzea river, White sand, of the assis, White sand, of the assis, dam, southern treble, monkey saw, curitiba, river farm, mill brook, waterfall river, shale highway, river of the oncas, round field river, rio taquarova, currency, ribeirao, rio mauricio, faxinal river, brook peddler, park, iguacu, rio iguacu, rio barigui, petrobras, refinery, arroyo da prenca, green River, dam, passes by, dam, river passes a, blacksmith shop, north, surf hangover, ribeirao padilha, arroyo aruja, large field, of the rose bush, rio cotia, rio despique, waterfall, rio iguacu, Ponta grossa, ribeirao, miringuava mirim river, River, my window, perimeter, bad florian, rio belem, rio iguacu, av. of the towers, rio ti, bacacheri, airport, it is here, airport, park, iguacu, River, little, rio piraquara, park, palmital, is gracious, pine trees, j. macanhan, rio atuba, Palm River, middle river, go there, River, Ponta grossa, acungui, river riverside, saw of souls, silver saw, river conception, three corregos, heart of the river, sierra endoencas, heartwood road, rio acungui, dam, they are wild, palm of, rio acungui, municipality of, castro, Betara river, field, skinny, itaperuçu, capivari river, tamandaré, admiral, passes by, off the river, contour, junk, rio tacanica, serra vuturuvu, Bromine saw, southern white river, colombo, north, contour, waterfall, River, is beautiful, guaraituba, rio tumiri, rio canguri, from the river, road, blue hill, river riverside, river of pity, Graceful road, joinville, sierra of the Castilians, dam of vossoroca, rio sao joão, hydroelectric power plant, municipality of guaratuba, rio arraial, guaricana dam, state Park, the small river, sea ​​saw, dam, the miringuava river, Cologne, I died, dam, off the river, little, rio arraial, off the river, Captain, rio pinhal, four bars, the piraquara river, piraquara, off the river, the river piraquara ii, dam, middle river, River, go there, river corralinho, River, lion sierra, from marumbi, field edge, morretes municipality, morretes, dam, From Rio

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 28, 2017

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