Mapa De Antioquia DWG Block for AutoCAD




Mapa fisico de Antioquia; Colombia con todos sus municipios

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

carolina, guadeloupe, port, triumph, maceo, fredonia, betulia, caldas, angelópolis, concordia, venice, urrao, betania, andes, garden, titiribí, yarumal, angostura, cocorná, granada, san luis, caramanta, valparaíso, caucasia, nechí , frontino, san, santa rosa, of bears, entrerrios, don, ebéjico, salgar, la pintada, amalfi, the retreat, the eyebrow, carmen, of viboral, cáceres, guatapé, san rafael, jericó, segovia, abejorral, yolombó, vegachí, yalí, támesis, belmira, san josé, mountain, giraldo, peñol, marinilla, saint, sunday, buritica, san andrés, de cuerquia, santa fe, antioquia, gómez plata, anzá, valdivia, remedies, san carlos , puerto nare, sonsón, nariño, liborina, olaya, sopetran, zaragoza, armenia, heliconia, briceño, caracolí, abriaquí, the catfish, anorí, amaga, puerto berrio, yondó, alejandría, toledo, ituango, santa, barbara, the union , bolivar, caícedo, cañasgordas, uramita, dabeiba, small, lookout of the fort, murindó, mutatá, chigorodó, carep a, apartado, turbo, san pedro, of uraba, necocli, san juan, arboletes, sabanalarga, girardota, copacabana, bello, guarne, tarazá, algeria, sabaneta, envigado, the star, rionegro, cisneros, camp, sanctuary, barbosa, conception, itagüi, matias, pedro, roque, vicente, montebello, tarso, pueblorrico, hispania, medellín, francisco, jeronimo

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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