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Near Lima Cadastral Map DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

. piura, av. Garcilazo de la Vega, Av. alfonso ugarte, ca. huarochiri, av. circumvallation, ps. nazarenas, pj. San Dionisio, ca. Juan Agnoli, ps. malambito, ps. park hernan velarde, jr. apurimac, ps. p. olavide, ps. orphans, ps. acuna, malecon hector garcia ribeyro, ps. montes, pj. gives. carrion, ca. corongo, av.argentina, jr. inambari, ps. nicolas de rivera, ps. santa rosa, jr. moquegua, av. dansey, jr. cangallo, av.enrique meiggs, jr. villa mar, ps. larrabure, ps. Alarco, ps. paiva, ca. sanchez pinillos, jr. Zamorano, ca. borda, jr. huarochiri, jr. baquero, ca.ascope, jr. rufino torrico, ca. corpancho, ps. hernan velarde, ps. Torres, Jr. yauyos, jr. chincha, jr. huancayo, jr. tarma, av. petti thouars, ps. central, ps. Sihuas, ca. The misti, ca. tafur, ps. cortez, ps. gaspar, ps. walkuski, ca. palca, ca. acobamba, jr. walls, av. white guzman, ca. Cervantes, ca. galvez chipoco, jr. paraguay, ps. velarde, ps. Garcia Calderon, ps. villaran, ps. new rosita, jr. chota, jr. washinton, ps. thin, ps. inclan, ps. penaloza, jr. davalos lisson, jr. ilo, jr. quilca, jr. zepita, jr. bambas, ps. m. brown, ca. Manuel pictures, jr. m. aljovin, ca. m. Aljovin, Paseo de la Republica, ca. zavala loayza, jr. watermelon, jr. cotabambas, av. Uruguay, av. roosevelt, av. Spain, pza. the Augustinian, jr. Fray de Rivera and Davalos, jr. j. from la rivera and davalos, jr. amazonas, jr. ancash, jr. santa, ca. holy sunday, ps. olaya, jr. lorente, ps. master matias, ps. oropeza, jr. I look quesada, jr. to. I look quezada, jr. cuzco, jr. sotomayor pimentel, jr. puno, jr. lucanas, ps. fifth carbone, jr. parinacochas, jr. tarata, jr. the sea, jr. huamanga, ps.the artisans, jr. leticia, jr. montevideo, ps. rodriguez, ps. Vasquez de Acuna, ca. isaias clivio, jr. conchucos, jr. coata, ps. ilave, ca. desaguadero, jr. Desaguadero, ca. tnte. arancibia, ps. tnte. c. Rodriguez, ca. school center, ca. m. vidaurre, jr. huari, jr. sebastian lorente, ps. huamalies, ca. crl. zubiaga, jr. crl. zubiaga, ps. ruiz, jr. m. brown, jr. maynas, ps. simon rodriguez, jr. huanuco, jr. jauja, jr. huanta, jr. paruro, jr. andahuaylas, ps. round table, jr. ayacucho, jr. contumaza, jr. pachitea, ca. l. cornejo, jr. ucayali, jr. huallaga, jr. junin, jr. ocona, av. emancipation, jr. huancavelica, jr. ica, jr. callao, jr. Count of superunda, jr. tayacaja, jr. sancho de rivera bravo, ca. oroya, jr. angaraes, jr. canete, jr. cailloma, jr. chancay, jr. camana, jr. of the union, jr. carabaya, jr. lampa, jr. azangaro, av. tacna, av. nicolas de pierola, av. abancay, av. grau, communications, transportation and, ministry, chamomile, aa.hh., mcdo. castile, neighborhoods, municipal, palace, cathedral of Lima, the angel, general cemetery, civic center, teacher presbyter, fifth heeren, pizarro, pz., central post, medical school, congress, education, economy, courthouse, government palace, archbishop loayza hospital, university sports club, stadium, army coliseum, university, park, belgium, plaza, pq. cervantes, exhibition park, aramburu, heroes, ours, paseo, pq. Juan Larco dammert, bolognesi, Miguel Grau, Daniel Square, a. carrion, buenos aires, the fence, catalina, santa, castaneta, plaza guillermo, italy, plaza victoria de ayacucho, plaza simon bolivar, sta. clara, plazuela, huascar bridge, huanuco bridge, balta bridge, ricardo palm bridge, stone bridge, san martin square, plaza de armas, santa rosa bridge, elguera, france, plaza dos de mayo, plaza ramon, castilla, monserrate, bridge the army, housing, alexander, grouping, cahuide, pp.jj, lost garden, the fence, neighborhood, Cocharcas, downtown, dacarrion, neighborhood union, Count de la Vega, conj., curator, monserrat, church sta. rosa, health center, san sebastian, church, las nazarenas, national university, federico villareal, school, enafer-peru, pje. the nazarenas, pj. mountains, convent of, sacred heart, national, argentina, slaves of, jr. tambo de bele, comain, casa de los, nstra. sra., of monserrate, rio rimac, edelnor, petisos, school sto. takes, aquino, church santo domingo, casa, oquendo, bank of, the nation, palace of, government, convent, san francisco, sanctuary, our, lady, of, loneliness, miracle, municipality, of lima, club union , contraloria, general of, the republic, museum of, numismatica, tower tagle, theater, victor, andres, belaunde, of reserve, central bank, of peru, san pedro, library, safe, conservatory, national of, music, telephone, public, river rimac, hospicio, ruiz davila, school of beauty, arts, the immaculate, square, the good, death, convent of the, good death, daniel alcides, carrion, santa clara, of the floats, division of supplies , of the unmsm, legislative, of mothers, trinitarians, national house, of the currency, church of the, barefooted of san jose, bank of the, nation, market, central, santa rosa, of the nuns, hospital of, jardin peru , fiscalia of, guillermo,

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio
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