Network Design Urban Water DWG Detail for AutoCAD
Details – specifications – sizing
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
Per node, Piezometric, Jr. Cahuide, Jr. Manco capac, stone wall, Ezequiel, San agustin health center, Jr. San Martin, Jr. bolivar, Jr. of June, Supplies, market of, municipality, principal, Park, arena, sporty, platform, sports field, Moyebamba, Chupicalpa, Bank of, the nation, Iep, Sanchez g., educational institution, station, Meteorological, Jr. the pines, Jr. Atahualpa, Jr. Miguel Grade, Hill, Farmland, Farmland, Jr. Bolognesi, Jr. of June, Jr. Ramon castilla, Chiclayo, Chota, Jr. Miguel Grade, Jr. Jose olaya, Jr. Cesar Vallejo, av. R.p. Julian montenegro saenz, Road cochabamba, Pencapuquio, Jr. Miguel Grade, Jr. bolivar, Jr. Pachacutec, Jr. San Martin, Jr. Jose olaya, Jr. Cesar Vallejo, Jr caceres, Jr. Manco capac, Jr. of June, school, San Juan Baptist chapel, Ex school, Jr. Bolognesi, Las vegas garlic, Jr caceres, Jr. Cahuide, Tupac amaru, January street, San juan chapel, Create node, spending, Huambos, Chota, flat, draft, province, district, region, Indicated, sheet, December, E.e.j.ll. And.a.n.c. P.o.p.c., designer, Potable water network, design, Cad drawing, date, scale, Improvement of the sewerage system in the town of huambos, Cajamarca, Ing. Deni chipana huacles cip., Supreme decret, Builder sac, District municipality of huambos, E.e.j.ll. And.a.n.c. P.o.p.c., Water, Ownership limit, Projected reservoir, Projected cross, Projected damper valve, Projected plug, Elbow of projected, Projected tee, Projected reduction, Elbow of projected, Projected drinking water supply line, Line of distribution of drinking water condominial branch projected, Line of projected drinking water, retaining wall, Drinking water distribution line main pipeline, elbow, elbows, Elbow, plug, elbows, Elbow elbows elbows, elbow, Plugs elbows elbows elbows, elbows, plug, Elbow, elbow, Elbow, plug, Tee bend, tee, plug, elbow, Elbow tee, tee, net., elbows, net., elbows, tee, net., tee, net., plug, elbow, elbows, elbow, elbows, plug, Elbow tee, net., elbow, elbows, net., Elbow, Tee bend, elbow, net., Tee bend, elbow, Elbow, cross, net., tee, net., tee, elbow, tee, Tee bend, elbows, Elbow, elbow, net., elbow, net., elbow, net., elbow, plug, tee, net., tee, plug, elbow, elbows, tee, Tees, Tee mm. tee, net., Tee tee, net., Tees, elbow, net., tee, elbow, Tee bend, net., elbow, plug, elbow, Tee bend, net., elbow, net., Elbow, elbow, Tee bend, net., tee, elbow, tee, net., Elbow tee, Tee bend, elbows, tee, elbow, tee, elbows, net., elbow, Elbow tee, net., elbows, Tee tee, tee, net., elbow, net., tee, net., tee, plug, net., Tee tee, net., elbow
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
Per node, Piezometric, Jr. Cahuide, Jr. Manco capac, stone wall, Ezequiel, San agustin health center, Jr. San Martin, Jr. bolivar, Jr. of June, Supplies, market of, municipality, principal, Park, arena, sporty, platform, sports field, Moyebamba, Chupicalpa, Bank of, the nation, Iep, Sanchez g., educational institution, station, Meteorological, Jr. the pines, Jr. Atahualpa, Jr. Michael degree, Hill, Farmland, Farmland, Jr. Bolognesi, Jr. of June, Jr. Ramon castilla, Chiclayo, Chota, Jr. Michael degree, Jr. Jose olaya, Jr. Cesar Vallejo, av. R.p. Julian montenegro saenz, Road cochabamba, Pencapuquio, Jr. Michael degree, Jr. bolivar, Jr. Pachacutec, Jr. San Martin, Jr. Jose olaya, Jr. Cesar Vallejo, Jr caceres, Jr. Manco capac, Jr. of June, school, San Juan Baptist Chapel, Ex school, Jr. Bolognesi, Las vegas garlic, Jr caceres, Jr. Cahuide, Tupac amaru, January street, San juan chapel, Create node, spending, Huambos, Chota, flat, draft, province, district, region, Indicated, sheet, December, E.e.j.ll. And.a.n.c. P.o.p.c., designer, Potable water network, design, Cad drawing, date, scale, Improvement of the sewerage system in the town of huambos, Cajamarca, Ing. Deni chipana huacles cip., Supreme decret, Builder sac, District municipality of huambos, E.e.j.ll. And.a.n.c. P.o.p.c., Water, Ownership limit, Projected reservoir, Projected cross, Projected damper valve, Projected plug, Elbow of projected, Projected tee, Projected reduction, Elbow of projected, Projected drinking water supply line, Line of distribution of drinking water condominial branch projected, Line of projected drinking water, retaining wall, Drinking water distribution line main pipeline, elbow, elbows, Elbow, plug, elbows, Elbow elbows elbows, elbow, Elbow plugs elbows elbows, elbows, plug, Elbow, elbow, Elbow, plug, Tee bend, tee, plug, elbow, Elbow tee, tee, net., elbows, net., elbows, tee, net., tee, net., plug, elbow, elbows, elbow, elbows, plug, Elbow tee, net., elbow, elbows, net., Elbow, Tee bend, elbow, net., Tee bend, elbow, Elbow, cross, net., tee, net., tee, elbow, tee, Tee bend, elbows, Elbow, elbow, net., elbow, net., elbow, net., elbow, plug, tee, net., tee, plug, elbow, elbows, tee, Tees, Tee mm. tee, net., Tee tee, net., Tees, elbow, net., tee, elbow, Tee bend, net., elbow, plug, elbow, Tee bend, net., elbow, net., Elbow, elbow, Tee bend, net., tee, elbow, tee, net., Elbow tee, Tee bend, elbows, tee, elbow, tee, elbows, net., elbow, Elbow tee, net., elbows, Tee tee, tee, net., elbow, net., tee, net., tee, plug, net., Tee tee, net., elbow
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Detail |
Category | Water Sewage & Electricity Infrastructure |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Garden / Park |
Tags | autocad, Design, DETAIL, details, distribution, DWG, fornecimento de água, kläranlage, l'approvisionnement en eau, network, sizing, specifications, supply, treatment plant, urban, wasserversorgung, water |