Obera City Missions – Argentina DWG Block for AutoCAD




Zoning City Obera

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

municipality of, field ramon, samic, oberá, former copisa, nursing home, e.v., plant trat., liquid.cloacal, municipal quarry, fral. arg., school, bº the pine, normal, chopped branch, av. orcadas, av. san luis, luis honorio rolon, a. palaces, avda. d.l. americas, obera ii, fac. Ing., Fac. arts, gend. nac., avda. andresito, ave. Italy, avda. Missions, Malvinas, Patagonia, Los Andes, Formosa, Chaco, Stgo. d. estero, avda. j. engineers, jujuy, jumps, g. erasmie, la rioja, catamarca, mendoza, san juan, iguazu, rio pilcomayo, balcarce, pueyrredon, necochea, oncativo, estrada, juan areco, ecuador, martin fierro, tierra del fuego, avda. tucuman, buenos aires, cordoba, santa fe, currents, chubut, rio negro, neuquen, la pampa, santa cruz, j.m. of roses, n.l. of sure, a.n. c. of cow, j.joerg, is. s. from the south, Isla Nevada, is. g. from the south, is. werkner, t. basin, g.c. leguizamon, t. cocomarola, p. from drake, is. loneliness Alejandro I, is. snowy hill, is. coronation, avda. gend. national, avda. of the americas, isla alejandro i, isla d.l. States, Strait de Maire, Bº Yerbal Viejo, Tte. matienzo, vice cdro. marambio, pt. belgrano, antartida arg., gastaldo, carhue, tinogasta, punta alta, a. gunther, avda. tte gral. j.d. peron, viamonte, tacuaruzu, sarratea, taruma, azcuenaga, tacuru, independence, artigas, rauch, mosconi, ushuaia, rio gallegos, pto. madryn, pt. new, pto desired, san roque, p. Brown, arrayanes, gdor. barreyro, larrea, j.f. Kennedy, Berutti, p. aramburu, french, c.m. dominguez, b. Miter, Sgt. cabral, ex c. d. Malvinas, Fund. Wildlife, u r u g u a and, p a r a g u a and, fiftieth anniversary, of the students, b r a s l l, the Italian territory, s u e c a, father pahl, hna. asuncion, m. belgrano, cabo asuncion, of foreigners, armed Argentina, c o o p e r a c i o n, Sunday f. sarmiento, argentine antartida, monum. to the mother, plta. guemes, plta france, plta poland, lion club, argentinian army, plta. switzerland, norway, germany, j a p o n, cmte. aguilar, u c r a n i a, e s p a ñ a, from the pioneers and colonizers, calo, r. haupt, lavalle, r.s. peña, quintana, j.j. from urquiza, serrano, m. of goose, sweden, japan, poland, france, finland, portugal, ave. guava, guaviroba, pitanga, avda. yerbal viejo, anchico, picada argentina, carnation of the air, roman helmet, orchid, honeysuckle, pindo, ceibo, spring, mburucuya, camalote, grapia, petiriby, guatambu, guayca, whip horse, caroba, cedar, peteriby, wedge piru, cervantes , v. sarsfield, cmte. piedrabuena, yerbal, o.v. andrade, j. hernandez, e. from the field, rock, f.j.s. of gold, f.l. beltran, alte. brown, magallanes, p. from mendoza, denmark, russia, paraguay, colombia, concordia, rio de la plata, rio fourth, rio parana, santo tome, ravine, resistance, pincen, cafulcura, catriel, tupac amaru, mercedes, goya, ubajay, la paz, gualeguay , g. ruff, s. maria, villaguay, federation, tartagal, roundabout, gral. villegas, trenque lauquen, rio colorado, salty river, rio bermejo, san luis, madrid, vienna, paris, london, rome, lisbon, san martin, rivadavia, l.n. german, avellaneda, e. wilde, ing. gordillo, chacabuco, maipu, f. spider, e. Lopez, a. peñaloza, humboldt, bonpland, ave. Ukraine, Saint Paul, San Marcos, Espiritu Santo, Spain, r. koch, s. gaboto, j.d. de solis, j.b. alberdi, panama, costa rica, peru, h. irigoyen, inns, f.n. laprida, a. fleming, ramallo, e. barbaro, uruguay, mexico, venezuela, bolivia, chile, brasil, pasteur, v. calchaquies, itati, humahuaca, san mateo, ceres, haiti, andresito, b. d.l. shrimp, gulf s. jorge, big bay, b. san sebastian, san martin gulf, new gulf, white bay, bahia samborombon, r.f., parchment, lag. d. ibera, olavarria, three streams, south apostles collector, tandil, san francisco, cosquin, usa, asuncion, lima, quito, brasilia, montevideo, bogota, oran, argentine lake, desired lake, lake gutierrez, holland, canada, el salvador, lapacho, alecrin, lagoon ibera, belgrano, moreno, saavedra, guemes, nursery, municipal, aero club obera, fuerzaaerea, rotary internc., avda. branch, club, square, s. roque, reconquista, c u u d d e or b e r a, high tension line, a. yupanqui, j. cafrune, j. davalos, is. antwerp, is. belgrano, lagoon d. desert, lagoon epecuen, lagoon chascomus, anatuya, l. Argentine, f. ameghino, fern, guaembe, c. cuatia, c. of ovens, c. of beagle, c. fueguinos, tunuyan, rio uruguay, father j. Take it, Miguel Wall, a. schnarbach, guaporeiti, tirica, nispero, yaguticaba, mora, apepu, mocona, sierra del iman, sierra d.l. victory, belgian, projected, esp. see., r. f., u. i., costa brava, j.m. Peace, deep river, —, San Pedro, c. d. uruguay, clorinda, bragado, rio first, racing club, sports complex, fco. baumeister, a leandro n. german, to field see, a. from the valley, to panambi, to alvear, is. malvinas, u.i., swiss, tronador, esc., a. lindstron, c.juan petterson, tank res., surplus without parcel identification, village jump, to obera, to poses

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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    March 15, 2018

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