Parcel Map Huacho District, Lima DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Galician):

ramon elcorbarrutia, satelite city, assoc. las, nurses, assoc. the magnolias, area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml, prop municipal, assoc. hacho, city, hospitable, assoc., assoc. bellavista, hacho, assoc. victor raul, beech from the tower, prop, municipal, area, perimeter ml., perimeter ml, I allow ml, area, we are, ml., ml., perimeter, area, nisei, assoc. club, geophysics, assoc. pampas of stoves, assoc. August, assoc. the, area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., area, area, perimeter ml, North American Pan American, assoc. the gardenias, assoc. industries, pacocha, assoc. the family, prop municipal, the, gardens, assoc. fisherman’s city, assoc. inca tail, assoc. las, dunes, prop, municipal, assoc., apcijeh, According to writing you must say, say m., according to writing must, According to writing, I owe m., say, ml., assoc. san bartolome, horizon, assoc. new, the door, assoc., September, assoc., university, assoc., assoc. mines goodwill, Martin de Porres, assoc. Saint, stoves, assoc. pampa de, atahualpa, assoc., hospitable, area, camellias, assoc. las, must say according to, writing, say according to, assoc. fishing peru, alvarado g.c., assoc. sgto. oswaldo, c.u.t. i.p.s.s., assoc., commandment s., assoc. sunday, municipal, prop, prop municipal, municipal, prop, assoc. asprovima, prop municipal, prop municipal, villa mercedes, assoc., the rosales, assoc., writing must say, assoc. i.n.p.e., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., area, ml., ml., ml., ml., area, perim ml., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., ml., area, perimeter ml., ml., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., area, ml., ml., area, perimeter ml., ml., ml., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., area, perimeter ml., According to writing you must say, sports glaze, av. peace, land terminal, North American Pan American, shelter cardenas, pavement area, August, engineering, the union, av. the olives, square, road carquin, May, populated center, huaura, huaca, trade, peasant community, street, park, trade, area of, path, path, reserved area, reserved area, passage, passage, passage, Psje. the fishermen, reserved area, potable water service, risk area, potable water service, communal service, communal service, green area, communal service, education, other purposes, green area, green area, green area, green area, communal service, green area, risk area, public recreation, communal service, communal service, communal service, trade, communal service, education, trade, park, education, sports area, of carquin, peasant community, peasant, community, of carquin, passage, passage, Psje. jorge chavez, ca. san isidro, jr. of July, ca. alpamayo, av. tupac amaru, ca. jorge chavez, jr. the gardens, jr. manco capac, jr. chancay, jr. manco capac, jr. hacho, Psje. sugar, passage, jr. simon bolivar, passage, jr. arica, Psje. los angeles, passage, Psje. Alfonso Ugarte, Psje. the fishermen, passage, ca. stubborn, passage, Psje. December, Psje. olaya, Psje. pierola nicolas, ca. francisco bolognesi, Psje. Alfonso Ugarte, Psje. Virgin of Carmen, Psje. san pedro, Psje. san pablo, Psje. los angeles, jr. simon bolivar, av. tupac amaru, jr. manco capac, ca. miramar, ca. coastal, Psje. San Martin

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language N/A
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 25, 2017

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