Pimentel Plane DWG Block for AutoCAD




Actualized plane of Pimentel – Topography

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

telephone peru, picsina, field, sports, court, tennis, sports equipment, municipal deposit, petroperu s.a., earthenware, sports, farmland, ditch, farmland, ca. No name, psje. No name, psje. No name, psje. the yen, psje. the sun, ca. No name, psje. No name, psje. crown, psje. cruzeiro, psje. the dinar, psje. the rubles, psje. no name, ca. the supplies, ca. no name, pimentel road, av. road of avoidance, road to pimentel, psje. lyra, psje. no name, ca. without name, cemeterio, ladrillera, municipal, urb. victor, raul haya de la torre, urb., navy, the station, future market, future, park, future urb., cosmos, tupac amaru, club casino, plaza, jose olaya, restaurentes-, hotel, coliseum, tourist complex , sports slab, cruta, sector, high peru, aahh, epsel.sa, municipal stadium, bank, of the nation, electronorte sa, cep, customs, captaincy, port, hotel garuda, park, stone, park, telephone, curator , municipality, of pimentel, epsel sa, salon, ministry of health, stone wall, area destined, for park, ministry of education, other purposes, clinic, cepi-, fenced, military school, farm avicola, urb. the prairie, urb. silver, industrial park, library, municipal, ministry of transport and communications, avientel, san agustin, eloy, nestle sa, investments farjay, industries grau sa, bakus and jhonston brewery, agribans purina peru, aa.hh., america street, educational center, initial, area of ​​recreation, primary educational center, other uses, aahh. Maria Agusta, from the Olive, ca. the margaritas, ca. the gardenias, ca. the carnations, ca. the gladioles, ca. the lilies, ca. the geraniums, av. dela rivera, sector the garita, street santa rosa, street the pines, street the flowers, street the roses, callelas margaritas, street the floripondios, street the petunias, av. the rocks, street fishermen, street the palms, street manuel seoane, street the geraniums, pj. San Martin, ca. San Martin, ca. the marina, ca. Lima, ca. blata, ca. grau, ca. atahualpa, ca. lambayeque, ca. leonardo ortiz, ca. Pedro Ruiz, ca. the laurels, ca. tupac amru, pj. Diego Ferre, ca. the parks, ca. ciro alegria, ca. Francisco de Zela, ca. cesar vallejos, ca. bayovar, ca.elias aguirre, av. Juan Velasco A., ca. manco capac, ca. agusto b. leguia, av.alfonso ugarte, ca. chiclayo, ca. peace towers, ca. leoncio prado, pj. pumacahua, pj. canton’s, jr. pimentel, pj. mandatory, pj. Miraflores, ca. the alamos, ca. the coconuts, ca. bolognesi, ca. ricardo palma, pj. aguayo, ca. buenos aires, pj. spring, ca. San Pedro, ca. san juan, market, chapel, street rivera del mar, street rivra del mar, children, c.e.m., ca. nicolas de pierola, ca. Mariscal Castilla, ca.micaela bastidas, ca. jose olaya, municipal camal, rehabilitation center, inabif, primary, ca. mine, college, engineering school, children’s villages s.o.s., rotary park, benjamin arbulu, main square, stable montenegro, lineage, ostrich, restaurant jacket, c.e.i. the seed, fifth, c.e. the garita, fifth lichy, c.e.p. san agustin, cep, boston, union of breweries, perunas bakus s.ac, epsel sa, central cooperatives, strong chiclayo, enci sa, pampa de perros, the white huaca, beach, beautiful, the rocks, the pampas de pimentel, hacienda vieja, the garita, san carlos, new hacienda, hacienda, the jewel, the clover, pacific ocean, grotto, san pedro, pimentel chiclayo highway, av. the americas, prof. resp., plane :, owner :, scale :, digitizer :, project :, c. santa mercedes, francisco, martin, av. sesquicentennial, sara bullon, or. vélez, location, area of ​​land:, table of areas, free area, the willows, colonial, condorcanqui, gardenias, paita, mantaro, rodano, location, panama, the florida, good, air, sta. Rose, Huallaga, Nazareth, BC Garcilazo de la Vega, Rimac, Pascual Saco, Fco. cabrera, san, av. the americas, luis negreiros, av. luis gonzales, res., diego, tacna, towers peace, quesada, miranda, communal house, youth, great square, av. Miguel Grau, m. Maria izaga, sta. mercedes, emancipation, seville, ferre, av. fco bolognesi, the hive, n.m., c. emancipation, junin, colon, chancay, mariategui, incas, lora, lamina:, edgarcad, indicated, date:

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio
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    March 17, 2018

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