Plane San Antonio Cucuta Colombia And Venezuela DWG Plan for AutoCAD




Current City Planning contains contour lines and is updated from 2008 – hemlock Plan Colombia

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

cll. bn, Street, cll., Street, cll. an, Street, cll. int, avenue liberators, cll., cll. bn, cll. an, cll. cn, cll. an, cll. bn, cll. int, av., Street, Buenos Aires, Street, Pinewood of the river, avenue, lions, clinic, tennis, club of, velez farmhouse, mahogany, the riviera, san antonio highway, club tennis, the lake, urbanization, cll., Street, colsac, Street, cll., park of the breezes, Street, avenue grand columbia, cll, cll., Street, meadows ii, Street, pamplonita river, garden City, thankful, av., commercial bolivar, nursery, corponor, cll., avenue, Street, the future under, Street, fisherman’s weave, b. carlos pizarro, b. new villa, b. paradise breezes, cll., avenue, neighborhood, San Rafael, Street, the mercy, Street, avenue, Street, avenue, av., Street, Park, av., Claret district, neighborhood san jeronimo, cross, spring district, neighborhood progress, avenue, Street, avenue, Street, avenue, Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., neighborhood tucunare, school, church, av., avenue, cll, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, cll., jose a gallant, the Alps, avenue, Street, avenue, cll., Street, cll., av., cll., avenue, cll., av., cll., Street, cll., avenue, Street, neighborhood, cundinamarca, Street, av., avenue, Street, av., Street, av., cll., the Alps, neighborhood, cll., av., avenue, neighborhood, cucuta, cll., Street, cll., neighborhood, Street, av., neighborhood, Street, avenue, av., avenue, Street, neighborhood, Alfonso Lopez, av., Street, avenue, Street, avenue, av., avenue, Street, neighborhood, cuveros boy, Street, av., cll., av., neighborhood, bypass, Street, Bolivar hill, Street, neighborhood, the Alps, neighborhood, av., Street, av., cll., Street, cll., avenue, Street, avenue, neighborhood, cll, Street, avenue, Street, av., Street, church, Street, neighborhood, the comuneros, Street, cross, market, Street, cll., av., Street, cll., sports Center, football, court of, av. kennedy, avenue, Street, av., Street, av., Street, cll., av., bird, av. americas, av., cll, Street, av., b. Mariano Ospina Perez, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., avenue, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, cll., Street, cll., av., avenue, Street, av., cll., Street, avenue, Street, av., Street, avenue, av., Street, av., Street, av., Street, av., cll., avenue, cll., avenue, cll., av., cross, Street, av., Street, av., avenue, av., bird, avenue, Street, avenue, av., avenue, Street, avenue, Street, avenue, av., red route, av., avenue, av., cll., Street, av., Street, a.s.d., av., Street, breezes of the airport, Street, martinez hope, Street, avenue, Street, from December, b. new colombia, Street, av., Street, a.s.d., Street, av., Street, avenue, sector juan bautista scalabrini, av., neighborhood crispin duran, av., cll, avenue, neighborhood camilo daza, neighborhood, camilo daza, av., a.s.d., cll, avenue, cll, av., cll, av., cll, av., avenue, cll, avenue, cll, avenue, Street, av., Street, av., Street, avenue, Street, avenue, av., Street, av., Street, avenue, Street, avenue, Street, cll., cll, Street, neighborhood, cll., Street, Venezuela, Santa teresita neighborhood, San Mateo neighborhood, avenue, av., avenue, bosh fifth, diagonal santander, neighborhood, the rose, neighborhood, Santo Domingo, av., Street, Street, neighborhood, White, avenue, Street, cll., avenue bogota, Street, avenue, Street, the chapel, neighborhood forests of pamplonita, the hook, San Mateo neighborhood, Street, avenue, Street, neighborhood, popular, Avenue of Liberators, riviera, Street, avenue, Street, av., Street, av., Street, to

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Plastic, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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Release Information

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  • Released

    September 19, 2017

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