Plano Pocollay DWG Block for AutoCAD




MAP URBAN Pocollay

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

scale blade, av. collpa, basic plan of pocollay, district municipality of pocollay, av. g. pinto, av. tarapaca, note: this plan is owned by the district municipality of pocollay., and c. martial arts, reference, mayor, i.c.l., drawing, responsable, arqº. armando leon s., mamani, timothy, prop., mansion, av. collpa, uchusuma canal, av. baserre forero, av. collpa, sheet, scale, pas callejon publico, maria ortiz de carpio, lime., lime nº, lime., lime., aduviri ninaja pablo, av. chorrillos prolong., av., lime. craft, cofdet, av. industrial, av. mariscal castilla, lime., av. chorrillos, college federico barreto, cal ernesto guesti, av. north bypass, cal raul jimenez, av. celestino vargas, lime. francisco bolognesi, av. Jorge chavez, av. the Angels, lime, pas san jose, lime nº, cal caramolle, lime., av. b. forero, av. celestino vargas, lime., urb. tacna, lime., p.n., court of, fulbito, av. baserre forero, Park, lime., lime. poplars, lime., lime leonor flowers martorell, lime nº, Park, lime nº, caplina, firefighters, meeting, local, lime., lime nº, cal cahuide, pas. progress, av. Miguel Grade, center, parochial, lord of the, miracles, lime. Cahuide, June lime, lime nº, lime., pas, pas progress, av. Miguel Grade, lime., av. chorrillos, cal cahuide, June lime, av. industrial, av. industrial, pas. progress, mines, Energy, cal juan valer sandoval, av. north bypass, lime. jose joaquin inclan, cal manuel pictures, mimic, lime., av. north bypass, av. north bypass, lime., cal j. valer sandoval, electrosur, brick cartorel, lime the bugambillas, rene flores saco, iron, Maria Elena, pas callejon pocollay, salome mamani from cansino, pas alley oval, av. east ringroad, pas alley oval, av. the Angels, lime rubies, lime jade, carlos gambeta vildoso, lime nº, lime nº, lime nº, av. baserre forero, av. south ring, av. Capanique, cal enrique lopez albujar, av. blond holes, lime nº, av. bypass, av. the Oak, pas nº, lime casuarinas, lime acacias, av. baserre forero, lime blackberries, av. the Oak, av. the Oak, chakra pedro mamani, the nardos, jorge basadre grohmann, lime, EC., slab dep., Park, urb. Capanique, lime., av. baserre forero, lime acacias, lime apricots, lime tulips, lime casuarinas, pass the dahlias, lime cypresses, av. Capanique, av. Capanique, lime cypresses, lime nº, Park, pas nº, olive trees, av. Capanique, lime, olive trees, lime acacias, lime blackberries, lime cypresses, communal place, lime blackberries, lime amancaes, education, sporty, lime apricots, lime nº, lime orchids, lime geraniums, lime jasmine, have you, av. collpa, av. the Oak, square, av. the oaks, lime nº, education, lime nº, pas nº, lime nº, pas nº, crockery, lime lilies, lime apricots, av. the Oak, land not built, av. the oaks, lime nº, communal, haydee pinto de hackler, lime bugs, garate morales isabel, ramires yufra, av. south ring, pas nº, lime beautiful view, lime August, pas nº, lime we love, pas callejon ramos, August lime, lime., ranch, prudence apaza, gomez, suc. air

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Garage, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 24, 2017

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