Plant Treatment Sewage Waters – Piura – Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD




Design plants treatment of served waters in Piura – Peru

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

N.m., Facultative secondary lagoon, Bottom level, Anaerobic primary lagoon, Bottom level, Faculty third lagoon, Bottom level, Faculty third lagoon, Bottom level, see detail, Interconnection box, Anaerobic primary lagoon, Bottom level, General lagoon plant, Shredder, Parshall meter, Power line, your B. Pvc, Shredder, Parshall meter, see detail, Interconnection box, Pvc tub, see detail, Interconnection box, Pvc tub, see detail, Interconnection box, Pvc tub, see detail, Interconnection box, Pvc tub, see detail, Interconnection box, Pvc tub, see detail, Interconnection box, Pvc tub, see detail, Interconnection box, see detail, Interconnection box, see detail, Interconnection box, see detail, Interconnection box, Pvc tub, see detail, Output box, Pvc tub, see detail, Output box, Pvc tub, Facultative secondary lagoon, Bottom level, Construction of the sewage system of the, F.n.j, Improvement network system drinking water system, General lagoon plant, draft:, district, Cad, design, flat, reviewed, scale, province, Piura, December, date, approved, Department, Piura, sheet, Northwest sector of the district of piura, Oxidation ponds, Provincial municipality of piura, Ing.h.m.m., Ingº j.aliga escalante

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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