Plat District Galbarracin And Vinani – Tacna DWG Block for AutoCAD

Where all the associations that form are located, the district plat Vinani Gregorio Albarracin and the City of Tacna is attached.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

n.m., educational area, Finnish, others, services, communal, square, education, other purposes, Park, education, services, communal, Park, education, Park, Park, education, Finnish, others, communal services, other purposes, Park, sports area, other purposes, Park, education, applications, others, Park, education, Commerce, other uses, Park, commercial, Park, education, other uses, Park, other uses, Park, small square, communal, commercial, area, square, communal, communal, local, Finnish, e.g., communal, small square, neighborhood park, Park, center, others, Park, center, Park, communal, e.g., sport slab, communal, small square, communal, small square, commercial, area, area, sporty, Park, Finnish, others, Park, education, Park, Park, Park, Park, square, square, Park, Park, Park, Park, education, sports area, square, education, area, sporty, services, communal, services, communal, square, communal, services, communal, education, sporty, square, Park, Park, square, area, education, education, Commerce, communal, sporty, services, area, communal, services, sports area, Park, square, Park, square, Park, education, Finnish, others, Finnish, others, Finnish, others, Park, communal, education, sporty, education, services, square, services, communal, others, Finnish, other purposes, communal, other purposes, other purposes, education, Park, Commerce, square, area, communal, services, Park, sporty, other purposes, Park, sports area, Park, services, communal, Park, square, sporty, area, sporty, Park, Finnish, others, Park, services, communal, Finnish, others, education, square, communal, Park, services, communal, services, square, Finnish, others, Finnish, others, education, Commerce, communal center, Park, sports area, education, Park, square, education, services, communal, Park, property of eps tacna s.a., wastewater, Processing facilities, education, square, education, recreation, area, lum, Park, Commerce, square, equipment, recreational sector, Commerce, school, enrique pallardelli, Park, von humbolt, school, education, recreation, communal, recreation, education, communal, recreation, communal, recreation, education, communal, sporty, slab, Park, education, pronaa, communal, area, others, education, recreation, publish, recreation, publish, firefighters, communal, local, Commerce, Park, education, Park, area, sporty, recreation, publish, education, others, applications, education, recreation, area, sporty, education, recreation, recreation, communal services, sports area, Park, square, other purposes, education, other purposes, other purposes, Park, Park, services, communal, services, communal, services, communal, services, communal, services, Finnish, others, communal, services, communal, services, communal, services, communal, services, square, Park, communal, square, services, albarracino child’s park, other purposes, education, other purposes, education, Park, education, Park, education, district civic plaza, other purposes, education, Park, Finnish, education, Park, others, Finnish, others, Park, education, Park, park plaza neighborhood, education, recreation, publish, recreation, box, municipal, plaza perez gamboa, commercial, center, church, recreation, communal, services, education, children of, Park, recreation, communal, applications, others, applications, public recreation, urban equipment, public recreation, urban terminal, communal, communal, services, recreation, Higher Institute, other uses, other uses, other uses, educ

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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CAD Drawings

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