Restaurant Furniture DWG Block for AutoCAD

Restaurant Furniture – Top Views

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

stainless steel frame, stainless steel frame, brushed stainless steel flower box, front view, side view, full exhaust, snack bar, sanitation, washing pots and utensils, preparation of salads, desserts, meats, bakery, administration, – standard line, desserts, painted metal body, arabesque granite counter tops, passtrough -, existing – alternative line, grill island, standard, island of salads standard, standard line, bell with glass – existing – alternative line, existing – alternative line, island snacks, management room, kitchen, barbecue, frying, support, paper, plastic, cutlery, observations, observations, hygiene on all sides, with exception with a part of the movable top for access, with casters and latch, for high traffic, be of the type with circles, can not pass residual, passag waste. should be performed in parts., tilt, wash, boxes, refrigerator, stainless steel trolley, drywall, textured and differentiated paint, tempered glass door, textured masonry, and differentiated paint, obs .: dimensions of separators can be changed depending on the size of the spans., stainless steel separator, fixed frames, movable frames, refrigerated counter with top, granite top, granite top counter, with doors, in gypsum board must follow indications in the design. grilled – standard line, for desserts ,, refrigerated counter, gas steamer, ivory stick counter with, internal doors and shelf, passtrough, existing, stainless steel top, ornamental yellow, tempered glass, granite opening, goalkeeper in stainless steel, bell with curved glass, hood with system of exhaustion, liner, castors, ivory wood, x.xx, croqui, low plant, grill island – alternative line , balcony, countertop, neutral counter, top, counter body wood pau ivory, existing, ornamental yellow granite, and internal shelf, top, heated buffet, body wood ivory, top, ornamental granite top, hood with top glass, with door, granite ornamental top, with doors, ornamental granite top, orbit of the flavors, internal view sketch, ornamental yellow granite top, stainless steel top, with internal shelves, plasterwork with textured and differentiated paint, complete exhaust system and tempered glass, no, simple pancake, stove a mouth, details hood

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Glass, Masonry, Plastic, Steel, Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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