Road Strategy DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

fast traffic, moderate traffic, slow traffic, legend, peruvian wings, university, course :, plane :, theme: district diagnosis, sheet :, date :, vii architectural design, professor :, faculty: engineering faculty and, architecture, school :, school of architecture, uap, arq. genaro alva, district: villa el salvador, topografico, arq. juan urteaga, general plan :, jesus el salvador, commerce, parish, chapel, pronoei, market, church, association, autonomous workers, center, rehabilitation, child, home, youth, market, jose olaya, chapel, health, progress, model, health, santa rosa, commerce, pronoei, mother teresa, cantuta, policlinico, baptist church, efata, risen christ, juan pablo, holy apostles, san martin, sacred, heart of jesus, sesquicentennial, municipality, villa el salvador , firefighters, curator, development, center, integral of, woman, san judas tadeo, lord of miracles, parish, christ savior, infantile san jose, maternal center, sun, church, our lady, guadeloupe, home of , child, church san martin de porres, tupac amaru, essalud, uldarico rock, library, mental health, oscar rosemary, mariano melgar, light south, micro network, cesar lopez silva, jose carlos mariategui, christ pachacamilla, first may , breezes of pachacamac, jesus, nazare no, house of, youth, the hills, August, sedapal, santa rosa de lima, jesus el salvador, topico, inabif, santa rosa vineyard of the sea, cijac, sis, beautiful village, christian church, missionary movement, world, dunes, union, ipes, pronoei, arenas de villa, juan pablo ii, wawa, wasi, revolution, medical center, parish – the miracle, jesus de, nazareno, whereabouts, the chinese, inabif, virgin of cocharcas, untecs, promae, istp, July c. tello, i.p.p., manuel gonzales prada, stadium, ivan elias moreno, tap, district football league, invasion chavin de huantar, tap, whereabouts, route c, park, prolongation av. cosmos, avenue a, psje. the tulips, passage b, street f, street e, street c, street b, street a, street d, street d, passage e, passage a, street c, street a, ca. antonio de mayolo, street e, street f, street b, av. Alpha, Avenue H, CA. the sunflowers, ca. the palm trees, ca. the cypresses, ca. the olive trees, ca. the gardenias, ca. the willows, ca. the cedars, ca. the alamos, ca. the pine, ca. the begonias, av. mateo pumacahua, street g, avenue f, a v. a l f a, psje. cosmos, psje. the sun, psje. satellite, av. cosmos, ca., dawn, psje., comet, meteorites, mirage, ca. venus, ca. horizon, halley, sunset, psje. star, psje. galaxy, av. beautiful horizon, psje. rainbow, psje. the planets, jr. ayacucho, av. main, ca. the triumph, av. peace, ca. Solidarity, ca. apurimac, av. pricipe de asturias, av. the liberators, ca. yuri gagarin, c a l l e d, c a l e c, c a l e b, c a l l e e, c a l l a a c a l l f, street c, reservoir street, passage c, passage d, ca. bouquets, street without, av. talara, callea, callec, callee, passage b, passage d, passage f, street ix, street viii, street iii, street ii, street i, street vi, street v, street iv, street vii, street xi, street x, AC. July ponce antunez de mayolo, av. tahuantisuyo, av. Plateau of Collao, Street H, Av. circumvalation, v-b, v-h, v-d, v-f, v-l, v-j, v-n, v-m, v-k, v-c, v-i, v-a, v-g, g-street, av. pachacutec, av. and, street j, street k, av.pachacutec, street r, street s, avenue and, street q, street m, avenue b, street p, street n, street or, path c, path b, path a, pedestrian passage d, street l, passage g, passage f, passage d, avenue pachacutec, av. chap. willian guzman espinoza, psje. the fighters, psje. child hero, psje. louis a. red garcia, ca. Heroes of Cenepa, ca. chap. Martin Gods Towers, Alameda Los Tayos, CA. technical neyser llacsa a., psje. sub of. second minchan, ca. Inc. lynx, ca. chap. eduardo gutierrez rondon, ca. Major frame jara schenone, psje. sub of. wilson cisneros c., ca. chap. willian guzman espinoza, psje. tec. victorino castle velarde, psje. chap. martin gods towers, psje. South base, ca. tiwinza, psje. of the heroes, psje. battalion, psje. the commands, ca. Technical Ruben de la Cruz Huarcaya, ca. augusto gutierrez mendoza, ca. lieutenant colonel nestor escudero otero, psje. Coordinator of the condor, psje. sub official gustavo begazo g., av. malecon, huascar zonal park, registered lotizacion, by cofopri, totoras, prolg. vineyard of the sea, av. the cedars, av. the sun, south pan-American highway, av. Andean pact, av. industrial separator, av. mariaelena moyano, av. separador agro-industrial, prolg. Jose C. mariategui, prolg. cesar vallejo, prolg. Jorge Chavez, prolg. juan velasco a., prolg. up peru, av. the guarango, av. the carob trees, av. the foresters, av. First of May, av. revolution, av. los angeles, av. central, av. the sun, av. mateo pumacahua, av. the alamos, av. model, av. micaela bastidas, av. First of May, av. Mari

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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    March 15, 2018

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