San Rafael Plane – Mendoza – Argentina DWG Block for AutoCAD




San Rafael Plane – Mendoza – Argentina

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

urban planning direction, scale, flat, work, firm, reviewed, drawing, calculation, draft, date, mendoza, municipality of san rafael, road tracing, arq. spear, perez edgardo, October, ricardo rojas, F. c. n. g. s. m., pueyrredon, bernardo houssay, ricardo rojas, projected street, roldan, laprida, fausto burgos, bianca fiori, fleming, new street, artigas, matienzo, Romance, lencinas, avda. bypass, Fray, f.c.n. g.s.m., avda. gral. rawson, f.c.n. g.s.m., fray francisco palau, almte. brown, f.c.n. g.s.m., adolfo street, Romance, bolivia, commodore py, williams, t. benegas, I smell, guemes, lavalle, castelli, Saavedra, pellegrini, Cordova, a. edison, of May, German, gutemberg, santiago de liniers, bdo. from irigoyen, l.berutti, avda. San Martin, paraguay, meeting, rodolfo iselin, proy street, bombal, proy., jose sucre, Barcelona, land of huarpes, the muleteers, castle, alfonsina storni, fleming, I smell, l. from vinci, av.jose de urquiza, avda. Mariano Moreno, proy street, street pub, hope, pomegranate, pasteur, commodore py, the myrtles, chacabuco, av. you are mine, the firs, Germany, rodriguez peña, juan jose paso, bareboat, Colombia, the anemones, the ash trees, gral. I mosconi, Colombia, pje boccacini, luzuriaga, pje san jose, emilio miter, r.s.martin, Germany, r.s.martin, Germany, F. c. n. g. s. m., f.c.n.g.s.m., Olascoaga, p.a. from sarmiento, Italy, Ceferino namuncura, a white, o’higgins, paula a. from sarmiento, Spain, I mosconi, the ash trees, sbbot, chacabuco, av. j.v. shoe, bariloche, r.s.martin, c. publish, the cinerarias, to. from the valley, Juan Gutemberg, of May, paraguay, gaboto, roldan, the petunias, the fuchs, cmt. tuespora, gral.e.mosconi, av.granaderos, sgo of the estero, parana, maipu, paunero, pje cochabamba, square, guemes, almte.brown, da vinci, castelli, Saavedra, av.moreno, pueyrredon, j len, big fat, almte. brown, av.gral.espejo, lavalle, pueyrredon, j len, a.storni, cricket player, a.storni, av.gral.espejo, j.newbery, Chile, day, belgrano, jumps, San Juan, alsina, San Juan, alsina, lavalle, Av.rivadavia, maipu, b., jumps, einstein, Av.r.iselin, saint Louis, b. izuel, av.h.yrigoyen, Chile, s.butti, buchard, c.publica, biziz, av. Urquiza, parana, sgo of the estero, av.granaderos, paunero, jumps, saint Louis, av. rivadavia, belgrano, day, Chile, alsina, saint Louis, Av.rivadavia, belgrano, day, Chile, San Juan, av. Urquiza, q.martin, guemes, paunero, castelli, Saavedra, c.publica, av.moreno, Av.r.iselin, av.gral.rawson, emilio miter, av.san martin, gral.paz, pasteur, chacabuco, av.t.meneses, rodriguez peña, jj, tasty, Colombia, belgrano, saint Louis, Av.rivadavia, Spain, luzuriaga, av.zapata, Chile, day, Buenos Aires, bombal, cte.salas, av.san martin, pellegrini, bdo.irigoyen, to the valley, Olascoaga, parana, sgo of the estero, San Juan, jumps, Commodore Pi, paunero, grenadiers, to the valley, Cordova, edison, German, emilio miter, alsina, av.moreno, av.urquiza, av.san martin, yrigoyen, Cordova, German, France, pellegrini, emilio miter, aristobulus of the valley, Olascoaga, Chiclana, larrea, f.c.n.g.s.m., The Andes, ombu, I love you, f.c.n.g.s.m., to the valley, Olascoaga, riobamba, callao, av.mitre, take off, cary hue, are cloth, larrea, chacabuco, Commodore Pi, union worker, gutemberg, jose zapata, azcuenaga, forced access, passageway easement alley

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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  • Released

    September 29, 2017

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