Sand Trap, Filter DWG Block for AutoCAD




Removes silt and other clays

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Consortium san ignacio cajamarca, flat:, district:, Consultant, scale:, drawing:, designed by:, approved by:, date:, Plan nº:, province, Department:, San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Ecologica provincial of san ignacio, Improvement of water services wastewater treatment for the city of san ignacio, date, A.m.a.c., Indicated, Num., Roof plant, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, plant, Metal railing, Esc., steering wheel, Metal railing, tube, Clean pipe, Pvc, Input window to the sandboxer, Dancers, Npt., Removable slabs, Npt., Reboce window, steering wheel, Pipe dn pvc, steering wheel, Overflow window, Overflow window, Gate of the type of entrance, Access to the dn clean pipe, Arrival of the dn clean pipe, Dn purge pipe, Npt., N.a.t., Npt., Npt., N.a.t., Npt., N.a.t., Npt., Npt., steering wheel, Npt., Npt., Terrain profile, natural terrain, Natural profile, natural terrain, frills, Npt., Terrain profile, N.a.t., Npt., Npt., Detail no, Esc., Diffuser screen, Gate of overflow chamber type, Comes from the dv pvc capture, subtitle, Notes, title, Notes, Overflow chamber, Water chamber, Entrance chamber, Sediment chamber, Output screen, Purge chamber, Gate of the purge chamber type, Gate of the type of entrance, Diffuser hole, Hole diameter diffuser screen, Collection channel, Gate type output chamber, Toward p.t.a. Dn pvc, Discharge dump, Camera output, Comes from the dv pvc capture, Diffuser hole detail, Sediment chamber, Output screen, Removable slabs, Output screen, Collection channel, Camera output, Toward p.t.a. Dn pvc, Gate of the type of entrance, Removable slabs, Diffuser hole detail, Sludge collection hoppers, Removable slabs, Gate of overflow chamber type, Purge chamber, Purge line, Diffuser hole detail, Type damper, Removable slabs, Removable slabs, Concrete data, Camera output, Gate type output chamber, Entrance chamber, Removable slabs, Overflow chamber, Water chamber, Removable slabs, Gate of overflow chamber type, Detail no, Metal railing, tube, Metal railing, tube, Metal railing, tube, Metal railing, tube, Sludge collection hoppers, Comes from the dv pvc capture, Toward p.t.a. Dn pvc, Dn purge pipe, Towards the broken pits, Sediment chamber, Overflow chamber, Npt., Sole, Npt., Dn purge pipe, Towards the broken pits, Overflow window, Gate of overflow chamber type, Gate of the type of entrance, Diffuser hole, Hole diameter diffuser screen, Gate of the purge chamber type, Gate of the type of entrance, Gate type output chamber, Gate of the type of entrance, Dimension table, Gate of the entrance chamber, description, Gate detail, Of the entrance chamber, Gate detail, Of the output chamber, steering wheel, Spindle, framework, Sheet of, gate, Esc:, Motherboard, steering wheel, Motherboard, Spindle, Sheet of, gate, cut, Esc:, steering wheel, Spindle, framework, Sheet of, gate, Esc:, Motherboard, steering wheel, Motherboard, Spindle, Sheet of, gate, Esc:, cut, subtitle, Notes, title, Esc:, subtitle, title, subtitle, title, title, subtitle, Gate of the entrance chamber, Drain chamber flap, Exit camera compartment, Sluice chamber gate, Drain chamber flap

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Other
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