Santa Cruz District Cocachacra DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

body for the formalization of informal property, field, sports, stadium, school, municipality, of. council, factory, telephone, post, medica, tap, pecsa, tap, petro, central, farm, child passage, dry canal, church, av. alfonso ugarte, av sanchez hill, av. miguel grau, passage atahualpa, prolongation av. miguel grau, pasaje rosa davila, av nicolas de pierola norte, av nicolas de pierola sur, av. south central railway, calle abelardo quiñones, av. north central railway, av. jose olaya, av. ramon castilla, av. tupac amaru, gobernacion, q ”, av. sanchez hill, ca. Abelardo Quiñones, psje. atahualpa, psje. rosa davila, av. nicolas de pierola north, av. nicolas de pierola south, psje. child, psje. hipolito unanue, health service, communal service, park, education, property, land, cultivation, drinking water, rail line, third party, orange grove or the cross, quebrada gallinasayque, broken cemetery, canal, sector ii, c.p. cocachacra, owned by third parties, serv. communal, service, sector i, housing, lloquepampa, archaeological, zone., huachinga b, area, chaupimarca, cupiche a, cupiche b, hill chaupimarca, toll, transtop sa, central railway, highway, high yanamaqui, populated center, carachacra, checkpoint, corcona center, central, road, tuna, santiago, road to, eriazo, upex, explosives, factory, lim, dist, railroad, cocachacra, santa cruz district, district san bartolome, cm, huallay, cruz of, cipensa, factory of explosives, broken of the cemetery, broken of the cross, canal masipa, canal yanamaqui, masipa, rimac, rio, masipa, canal, rioseco, quebrada, sports, quebradacortaladrones, cocachacra, chochera, cetemin, ferrovias, garage games, rudder, weighing, paradise, gamez, chilito, chirimoyo, mine, caseron and caseroncito, sour orange, hills, rami family rez, family saxavilca, river rimac, edge of slope, road, bridge, family luyo, q u e b a a g u a s a l a d a, q u e a c h i l c a, oscolla, central road

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Garage
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