Sewer – Singa – Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD

Sewer – Singa – Peru

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

yam, Pbase, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Right, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Jr. May 2, Jr. Huamalies, Jr. Saint Ana, Jr. independence, Jr. progress, Junior elementary school, stadium, Processing facilities, Jr. Hermilio valdizan, Jr. Leoncio meadow, Street, Jr., Jr. Grade, Jr. Sucre, Jr. bolivar, Drying bed, Camera of bars, Shredder, Imhoff tank, Biological filter, Jr. the Incas, passage, passage, Singa huanuco road, Singa huanuco road, Farmland, central plaza, General sewer, San juan de auqui road, school, secondary, Track opening, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, axis, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, passage, Street, passage, District municipality of singa, Expansion of the singa sewage system, Ing., General sewerage network, Huanuco, design, region, draft, flat, reviewed, Department, Huanuco, drawing, scale, Huamalies, Prov., district, Singa, Isaura, dec., date, Sheet number, Esc, Stretch of aveniva leoncio meadow lack check if stretch to be defined

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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