Signs DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

put, Earth, watch out, ramp, office, bath, office, management, meeting, room, office, entry, hall, assistants, Trench, workshop, Balls of, Cistern parking, bath, Ownership limit, Roof projection, dinning room, Training class, ceramic floor, Coa, inspection, supervisor, C. operations, maintenance, Supervisors, ramp, warehouse, hall, Mat. from, cleaning, cabin, Inputs, grocer, supervisor, maintenance, Accepted, Fluids, Tools, Showers, locker room, Washbasins, Ownership limit, Units, Water car, Washing of, warehouse, Ownership limit, Recharge, Checkpoints, control, made out of fuel, Glp, scale, General floor first floor, scale, Floor second floor, Dma, leadership, waste, Deposit, C.a.d., professional, review, Location, flat, scale, Signature stamp, date, sheet, Lima airport partners, Background san agustin good shepherd, Location security signs, owner, av. Elmer faucett callao, Esc in a, Plot colors, concessionaire, generator, acetylene, oxygen, board, Alarms, receptacle, waste, waste, receptacle, waste, waste, paint the wall, Fringed, Black yellow color, mirror, With the sardinel, watch out, Use containers, Is required, Anti-spines, Do not store, Substances, Flammable, Volatile, Do not store, Substances, Flammable, Volatile, receptacle, waste, board, Alarms, Banners, risk of, legend, discharge, Electrical, prohibited, do, fire, prohibited, smoke, In public places, Warning signs, Attention, risk, electric, watch out, gas, compressed, watch out, Balls of, gas, watch out, Balls of, gas, Do not touch, like this, watch out, Balls of, gas, Firefighting poster, accessible, of emergency, departure, use, required, Of masks, Obligation posters, Shower of, emergency, Sign of, Exit for, Disabled, To weld, use, required, Gloves, of security, use, required, of protection, ocular, use, required, mask, required, keep, Fastened, Lso cylinders, required, use the, railing, use, required, Of boots, of security, Emergency evacuation posters, Use containers, Is required, Anti-spines, Location of, Receptacles, Of waste, Location of, Tabular of, Alarms, Sign of, Obligation of, Use of containers, Anti-spines, Other posters

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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CAD Drawings

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