Skate Park DWG Block for AutoCAD

Skate park at Trujillo City – Peru

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

drawn, scale, skate park plant, arc length, center projection line, arc length, inner income, water tank, north american income, parking lot, Floor Polished Cement, pool, Of income, platform, Floor Polished Cement, pool, pyramid ramp truncates, see det., pyramid ramp truncates, see, drawers, see, ramp, see, ramp, in circuit, ramp, in circuit, ramp, in revolution, ramp, see det., see, ramp, see det., drawer, see det., drawer, see det., ramp in, see det., ramp, see, see det., ramp in, see det., see, ramp, see, drawers, parking lot, north american income, water tank, inner income, arc length, center projection line, arc length, skate park plant, scale, section, scale, pool, Floor Polished Cement, Floor Polished Cement, pool, inner income, center of circumference, section, scale, pool, Floor Polished Cement, Floor Polished Cement, pool, access platform, pool, Floor Polished Cement, center of circumference, center of circumference, inner income, scale, center of circumference, section, access platform, america north, Floor Polished Cement, pool, section, scale, pool, Floor Polished Cement, Floor Polished Cement, pool, center of circumference, section, scale, chromic, blue metalic, electro welded pipe, canopla detail, section, scale, see detail, tube faith, canopla fe, canopla detail, scale, scale, section, scale, pyramid ramp truncates, ramp section in, scale, ramp detail in, n.p.t., see detail, scale, ramp section in, ramp detail in, scale, scale, pyramid ramp truncates, ramp, drawer, drawer, canopla detail, electro welded pipe, see detail, n.p.t., see detail, scale, ramp section in, see detail, ramp section in, scale, electro welded pipe, canopla detail, section, scale, see detail, section, scale, Provincial Municipality of Trujillo, skate park chicago, architectural bk, flat:, details of ramps, bach.arq. manuel arana z., topography: plandemetru, plane no., mayor, designer, coordinator, manager:, ing. jose murgia z., arq frame brook flowers, arq nelly amemiya h., may, m. to. to. z., cad, scale:, date:

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Parking, Garden / Park
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