Steam Distribution And Condensed Return DWG Block for AutoCAD




Steam distribution and Condensed return – isometric

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Baner, Baner, Blowing turbine, laboratory, House of force, Hydrothermal, Cushion mill, Cushion mill, Hydrothermal, Above the roof, No, Test mill, Water, condensed, tank, Drums, Hot, Calender, Hydrothermal, Calender, Out of service, Calderin, Vst, boiler, Chemical tank, Purge continues, Vst, Dry room, Blinker, Hydrothermal system, Blinker, Hydrothermal system, reactor, Serv. Water, drainage tube, river, Manifold mts, tank, flash, purge, tank, background, Purge continues, turbine, Cond, of oil, Tank yard, Cement house, Hydrothermal, Sometimes, service, dilution, Cement dilution, Drums accepted, Tanbores oil, oil tank, tank, Underground, Soap tank, agitator, heater, Oil balance, heater, oil tank, This cond., agitator, Soap tank, Underground, tank, Underground, tank, soap, tank of, team of, condensed, Bamburi, Regulating steam, balance, Bamburi, Cement house, chalk, Sometimes, tank, Cond, tank, tank, Basement level, Floor level, Prng, Prng, Prng, Prng, Prng, Prng, Prng, Prng, Prng, Prng, Prng, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Prnf, Out of service, Prnc, Prne, Prnc, Prnc, Prnc, Prnc, Prnc, Prnc, Prnd, Prnd, Prne, Prne, Prnd, Prnd, Prnd, Prnd, Prne, Prne, Prnd, Prnd, Prnd, Prnd, Prnd, Prne, Prnd, Prnd, Prnd, Prnd, Prne, Prne, Prne, Prne, Prne, Prne, Prne, Prne, Prnd, Prne, psi, pot, dinning room, Rubber extraction tub, Vst psi, Cond, Cond, Out of service

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio
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