Subdivision Project 1 DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Subdivision project 1 – map

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

institutional areas, road system, green areas and leisure systems, total gleba, itu new center, street joaquim bernardes borges, av. prudent of moraes, av. eugen wissman, rua josé bruni, av. agenor belt l. of fields, ten. Gustavo de Assis, street arq. marcio joão de arruda, street cap. silvio fleming, luiz gazzola street, benjamim constant street, santa rita street, convention street, joão esquiriça street, rua gabriel de b. y bobon, juvenile street emanoelli, leonardo piunti street, itu, new, center, rod. gift gabriel, paulino bueno couto, av. dr. herculaneum g. steps, direction são paulo, direction sorocaba, street floriano peixoto, street paula souza, field, soccer, legend, areas, municipality of itu – state of são paulo, street lieutenant gustavo de assis, avenue agenor correa, milk fields, street convention and bartolotti street, location, no scale, stream, single, leaf, owner :, place :, work :, residential subdivision, scale :, declare that project approval does not imply, on recognition by the city hall, the right to property of the property., gleba i, vale do sol ii, tav urbanizaciones ltda., street and subdivision, art :, carlos roberto gomes, civil engineer, project author and technical, environmental, design, Community public, equip. public area, total area, specification, institutional areas, public spaces, public areas, road system, green area, leisure systems, other, plot area, remaining area, urbanizadora :, municipality of itapevi – são paulo state , register :, date :, create:, limit, app, urban design, app – preservation area, permanent, carmen letícia gradim vitelli, ass .: carmen letícia gradim vitelli, remnant, gleba, perimeter line, perimeter points, contours, glebe, preservation area boundary, staking, community public equipment , urban public equipment, leisure system, legend, post, stone, ladder, green area ii, r. adilson soares santos, r. eulalia, r.olga de castro, r.sto antonio, rua nassif, r. maririm, street, r: pedro pinoto, december, r. osorio da silva ferrari, joao, r. alc. silicani, oscar martins, r. alcatras, r. alziro vieira, r. standard, r. sebastião mathias, mendes, r. claudia chaluppe, r. felippe chaluppe hijo, r. Ramiro Novaes, r. josé pedro de castro, av. ana araujo de castro, r.professor irineu chaluppe, av. vale, pc joao, moneyour, r.ant.f.m.neto, r. ester, av., ana a., castro, azurite, p. son, chaluppe, neuza, reviglio, luis, r. xavantes, pinto, nio, bruno, anto, rabbit, irene, r. jose avelino da costa, brazil, rodolfo, voigt, r. mig., armando, benedocci, r. carajas, cim, hero, hope, oia, ivo p., stazani, andra, amethyst, v. jadeper, flower, bia, r. isabel, r. j. p. oliv., r. sorais, r. cleide, dencio, barbosa, vitorio, mario p., d.siqueira, r: jose p. olive tree, sun, emilio vaz, ant. d. santi, garden of the queen, retreat sta., izildinha, city of the sun, garden, neighborhood of the pitas, garden maria judite, v. olinda, julieta garden, v. santa clara, abreus neighborhood, itapevi garden, r. sa. balaiada, oliveira, r. bene., gau, antonio, r. luiz manfrinato, marta, pça., fabiana, street tatiane, street raquel, street, street paloma, av., thais, av. bruna, estr. straight, snails, r. of the Mexilhao, estr. high, martins, r. gold, est. of the str. of the curve, str., curve, str. rin, r. of the ocean, r. of fish, quarry, r. monastery, caico, r. bergamo, r. belenzinho, cur, rais, novo, ija, acu, wise, santa cecilia, coacaras, garden briquet, r. maria soares, dos santos, sol ii, sun valley, business location, situation without scale, technical chemistry ltda., gleba v, gleba iv, bb tourism, gleba vi, raul briquet, quadra e, of rainwater, flow direction, high point, curve identification, low, inscr. pmi: valley of the beautiful, view, band of bondage to, sanitary alley, sanitary alley in third area, community public equipment, urban public equipment, eq. P. community, technical chemistry ltda., garden julieta, municipal property, sun valley i, raul briquet, system, julieta street, no scale

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Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Full Project
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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