Dental Office DWG Block for AutoCAD
Is a dental office with the minimum requirements for their operation which are, waiting room with a bathroom, a reception with archivist, an office and two beds and its own…
Is a dental office with the minimum requirements for their operation which are, waiting room with a bathroom, a reception with archivist, an office and two beds and its own…
Clinic located in Guadalajara at a hospital next to the Angeles del Carmen has 18 rooms, 2 operating rooms, 4 clinic waiting rooms in 5 levels Drawing labels, details, and…
Ophthalmic Surgical Clinic, 550, 00 m2, 4 operating rooms, clinics and special studies. Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish): metal and…
The project is a clinic for autistic children located in Edo. Mexico with control of vehicular and pedestrian access, an office area, auditorium and cafeteria. The latter has a lobby,…
Chamber office. Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Italian): pediatrics, counseling, surgery, internal medicine, locker room Raw text data extracted from CAD…