Terrestrial Terminal DWG Block for AutoCAD

Terminal Interprovincial – Plant

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

landing buses, depot, cto. limp., ss.hh. men, ss.hh. women, cleaning, cto. of, hallway, guardian, cl., ironing, adm., tv room, attention, hall, laundry, parking, departure lounge, staff entry, circulation of personnel, income and alternate exit, telf., suvenirs, shm , pat. serv., bar, shh, kitchen, banking agency, service, income, ss hh, women, men, ss.hh, pantry, luggage store, men’s dressing room, women’s dressing room, storeroom, refrigerator, attention bar, crockery deposit, sale of tickets, telephones, magazines, control, pantry, ss.hh., warehouse, access to adm., vault, travel agency, inf. turist, cashiers, carouse, be, topic, p.n.p, force, house, machines, control, mant. and limp., meeting room, multiple office, administrator, manager, secret., computation, contab., wait, mail, personal circulation, c.n. the nazareno, remigio silva, urb., washing, repair, and alignment, enllante, and desenllante, workshop, general services, maq., s.h., dep., work, area, deposit, and lubrication, cto. of maq., supplier, entrance of buses, exit of buses, boarding buses, busses of reten, internet, locker, showers, room of disembarkation, rent of locker, delivery of luggage, reports, delivery and reception of parcels, urb. progressive, the mill, av. andres belaunde, via de evitamiento, av. the progress, garden, interprovincial terrapuerto

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Parking
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